House Update: Building Things & Killing Plants

Main House Update: Building Things & Killing Plants

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      House Update: My New Plants

      My home account on Instagram is @casacrilly: Just a little update, it’s mostly about my houseplants and the fact I seem to …

      Cheryl Adams

        Hi Ruth, plants are nice but I wouldn’t have cactus indoors. For me I don’t care for them or suculants at all. I like your Hoya and the pot it’s in. Bird of paradise grow outside here also. Maybe you could put these types of plants in your new room once it’s finished? It’s nice to see you via video, glad to see that you’re doing well.

        thomas montella

          You have done well as you build your fortress lol and my spare bed room and as a master plant expert I should fit in quite well there

          Stu cumins

            Look forward to house stuff for sure.

            Zoe White

              Yes please to the renovations post! Love any kind of house updates.

              Sophie H

                You need to rehang the plant in your dressing room. It looks like something from doctor who sat on the cabinet, ready to crawl away……

                Gillian Pidler

                  And yes please to the house reno! Your home is beautiful.

                  Gillian Pidler

                    I'm not great with house plants, I have one that's alive, just, but I do love gardening, I can only do the light jobs now but my daughter insisted we have a greenhouse which I have to say is amazing & she loves planting veggies etc & it's something we can enjoy together, she's 19. I have some gorgeous Campanula to plant out this morning.


                      RE bird of paradise. Your soil is hydrophobic. It needs a really good soak to restore it. First Use a garden wetting agent. Or very mild dish soap. Ie a tiny drop in a whole bucket. So there’s barely foam on surface. Pour through soil slowly first. Then put under shower to really drench soil for a few minutes. You should then use seaweed or even liquid fertiliser tonic if you have it readily available to revive the potting mixes microflora and water holding.

                      Coleen McCormick

                        Perhaps your birds of paradise needs a larger pot! Take a pic and bring to your local garden shop and ask the expert ☺️

                        Coleen McCormick

                          Idk if you’re trying to be funny but found you to be quite fun almost had a chuckle lol

                          Jim Williams

                            Ruth! Stop buying plants. I've been down this road. Stop now. Just deal with what you have.

                            olivia lovett

                              The bird of paradise is fine, the flowers will die, just dead head them. It likes hot and dry, so don't over water. Bluebells like to be left to wither, they reabsorb nutrients and flower better next year. Peace lily find a really sunny window ledge and ignore mostly, water as it droops.

                              Amiee & Larry Brown

                                Yasss! Renovations!

                                Elizabeth Hogg

                                  Mmmmm.! Your peace Lilly .. there quite hardy .. the flowers always die off .. they never re-flower ..they like a good misting .. as regards to your watering .. always let the soil dry out .. to about two inches .. down .. if you get what I mean .. ? Happy planting ..🌿

                                  Wai San Chan

                                    Yes pls. A renovation video


                                      I wonder if the birds of paradise needs more light, as the grow in hot climates outside so see a lot of sun. And with the peace lily cut any dead leaves and flowers off and they’ll re-grow, I water mine once a week and it’s not in direct sunlight (north face window) doing quite well. Good luck with the rest I have no clue about those. I enjoyed the video 😊

                                      P Heart

                                        Some plants are harmful to cats,lillies mainly. I used to cut the stamens out of mine and found the flowers lasted longer. Its the lilly pollen that is the dodgy part. Peace lillies thrive on neglect! Not too much sun or water. That bird of paradise needs a big pot,sun and more water. The bobbly succulent,try putting the bobbles onto a pot of soil and they might grow.

                                        ashley rickaby

                                          Would love a home updates video! Love anything home interiors related! Loved this video x

                                          Daniela Pagani

                                            Hey Ruth – just wondering whether you know how dangerous lilies are for cats? Any exposure to the pollen, or leaves, even just a tiny dropping to the floor, is almost lethally toxic. Please be careful for Mr Bear!

                                            Lydia Kilby

                                              I love wildflowers the most but you know, they d0 die at some point after being picked. Nothing looks dead that I can see. Your home and garden is beautiful. You’ve become very knowledgeable since becoming a plant mummy. Maybe they keep you calm while juggling your young busy life❤️.

                                              Veronique Steels

                                                I too am a plant killer. I had two Boxwood at my front door. They have completely died but since I am too lazy to remove and replace them I am now calling them potpourri.

                                                Susan Fallon

                                                  I have a plant addiction. You can definitely learn. I have also killed my fair share of plants, so try not to worry. Sometimes it’s not your fault. Sometimes it is lol. Wash pots when exchanging residents. This prevents pesky beasts like red spider mite, which comes in on every herb and plant, getting an immediate hold. You are going to need to arm up for this particular problem, as they kill quite a lot of plants. Look especially carefully for an insecticide that will knock these back. Regular misting helps, but not all plants will thank you for this. Particularly watch for red spider mite on your cacti… very bad. Large trays filled with gravel, perlite or clay balls can create humid zones for humidity loving plants, but my personal solution is stick them by any sink that is used at least once a day. There are some things I cannot manage but still buy. Tree ferns and bananas. Lost each one. Can’t get the humidity right. Guess I need the tray. Watering from the bottom can really help, with a tray/ dish underneath. Soak very over dried soil in a bucket till the bubbles stop coming up. Overly dry soil can lose it’s ability to hold water. An anti fungal spray could be a god send too. Most plants will survive in quite non text book conditions if they sense the love. Experiment. Some plants thrive better as communities. They interact with each other quite interestingly. Buy 2 climbers and watch them – one will attempt to avoid, one will attempt to climb the other. Then they will reach some compromise.

                                                  Katie Metcalfe

                                                    yes please share the reno! I love your house Ruth!

                                                    Angela Blackburn

                                                      Lovely plants. No mistinghumidity for your succulents but bright light for most. Peace Lily loves humidity and low light, Great for bathrooms and kills mold. For other houseplants overwatering tends to be more of a problem than under watering. The other thing to watch out for is making sure that soil is drained and that roots don’t sit in water because they will rot. I love plants so hope you don’t mind the unsolicited tips. Would love to see a house reno video!

                                                      Mónica Santos

                                                        My aunt told me a trick to help the soil not to loose to much water, sometimes the pot is the cause because the hole in the bottom is often too big, so you place some pebbles on the bottom and then fill in with the soil. This helps retain the water and also creating humidity. Hope it helps you, loved your plants ♥️

                                                        Jennifer Admire

                                                          I would LOVE to see your renovation updates!

                                                          Kathy Hegert

                                                            I would love to follow along on your renovation.


                                                              What a nice array of plants, pots, and vases. I like renovation videos, so a big yes here!

                                                              Holly Golightly

                                                                About the last plant with the dry soil: you could put it in a good layer of water (a bucket or the bath tub for example), the roots can absorb the water, the soil will be more hydrated and will be able to absorb “normal” watering from above. Loved the video 💋

                                                                Laguna Girl

                                                                  Oh Ruth, just loved your kitchen tour video. I’m in the US and for some reason was fascinated by the Aga information. I fantasize about moving to the U.K. Would love to hear more about your house projects. I’m a long time subscriber and even remember the fab fern wallpaper from your modern London place. You’ve always had great taste.

                                                                  Shabby Bex

                                                                    Yes please to house renovations. I’m currently renovating my own home so love having a nose at what others are doing

                                                                    lena angela

                                                                      Please can you do a video about house plants.sending love to you and your family! 💚

                                                                      Stacey Pleasants

                                                                        I'd loooooove to see all the things you do to the house 😱. My favourite thing about peace lillies is that you can take them out of the soil and into a big vase and then put a Betta fish in the water and they'll love symbiotically ❤️

                                                                        a b

                                                                          Your bird of paradise is root bound. You need to transfer to a larger pot. That's why the soil doesn't hold water.

                                                                          a b

                                                                            To create humidity, for your plants, place them in a tray filled with gravel rock. Then fill the rest with water.

                                                                            Jenny Bolter

                                                                              i gave up and bought artificial (something I swore i'd never give houseroom to )they are so realistic now and the odd indestructible ivy in between enhances the deception 🙂

                                                                              anna bell

                                                                                My houseplant care transformed since I bought a plant moisture meter, it’s less than £10 on Amazon and you just stick it into the soil and it tells you if the plant needs watering (every plant is different). Also fertilising. I totally neglected that for a while and my plants were suffering.
                                                                                For high moisture, you already have bird of paradise in the bathroom, but you can also try misting it.

                                                                                Nancy Fielden

                                                                                  For humidity just set a pot or water in with your plants.

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