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  • #47039
    Allana Davison


      Maria Zzz

        What nail polish are you wearing?? So classy and looks like the perfect nude xx

        Crystal Tranquilino

          girl your skin looks great

          Nflower Celik-Alvis

            What’s the shade of your nail varnish? It’s lovely 😊
            Love the Bobbi Brown base, but am now using Weleda skin food ultra rich cream. Very thick but I love it 🥰

            Alba V

              The hair and makeup combo is just… perfect.

              AQILAH AZIZ

                ahhhhh that marc jacobs mascara is everything that extends my eyelashes , but i second your point, i look like a raccoon


                  Hey lady what shade is the Makeup Forever concealer in? Thanks!

                  Ashley Abbott

                    The YSL stick highlighter is no longer on Sephora! I clicked on the link but it says we do not currently carry the product.😥

                    Tiffanie Tyler

                      I’m shocked you didn’t like the Aveeno drops. I have very dry skin and this gives the best glow!!! I use it mixed with my moisturizer. Looks so nice under the glossier stretch concealer..🤷🏽‍♀️


                        You repeat yourself so much its insane. ☹️

                        Bridget Weiser

                          I love it when you make these videos!!! You’re saving me money 💴
                          You look gorgeous.

                          Joanna Ostapowicz

                            Love Love LOVE the Bobbi Brown Vitamin Face Base. I've almost finished my 2nd jar!!!

                            Shandraya Jones

                              thanks for the updates on the products!! love this makeup on you! I use the Aveeno max glow drops almost everyday! I put in on after my highlight just to add some more glow and hydration!


                                This year everyday May means even more to me… by June 1st I will move into my first flat 😍 so thank you for this countdown 😉 and the distraction 😘 (I am currently very excited 😇)
                                I have the same issues with the Marc Jacobs Mascara & I love love love the Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base but I try to not use it everyday bc it‘s soo expensive 😅

                                Lucile Meyer

                                  Finaalllyyy someone genuine showing us the dislikes, and not just the positives !

                                  Mal Zook

                                    DUDE that Bobbi brown base is NO JOKE AMAZING!!! I loved it more than anything. It is the definition of PLUMPED, supple, moisturized skin! I unfortunately can’t use it anymore bc of newly diagnosed skin issues and I miss it SO MUCH

                                    Rooney Mara

                                      Congrats of 600k Lan! I just ordered the wet n wild foundation stick because of you. Can't wait to try it!

                                      Wendy S.

                                        What nail polish are you wearing? Love your makeup always 😍💋

                                        Neha Sebastian

                                          I want to try the Nudestix dewy blush. I feel like for folks who watch your videos regularly there wasn't much in this video we didn't already know. But there may be crazy people out there that aren't watching all your videos…lol.
                                          I would love to see a 'subscribers made me try it video' where you do a review and not just a first impression. 💕

                                          J Jadot


                                            Sukaina Sajanlal

                                              I’m dying over the Roen eye products and I don’t even apply eyeshadow lol


                                                I love the update videos!! You look stunning💕

                                                Sangavi Gowrisankar

                                                  Please do this makeup look! It looks real beautiful 🙆

                                                  Sydney Kohm

                                                    WHAT IS ON YOUR EYES!! I need details!


                                                      I’ve used the becca under eye corrector and it doesn’t look good on its own. But I found under concealer it worked well to reflect the light off the darker areas. But my under eyes are hella dark and I have yet to find something that really corrects well and is moisturizing.

                                                      sidak arora

                                                        You look so beautiful. It’s so satisfying to watch you❤️

                                                        Lauren Wallace

                                                          Is it just me or do you look sooo different in this video?! I think it’s your eyeliner on the top and bottom that is making your eyes look rounder? So crazy the power of makeup to transform!

                                                          Nadie Nadie

                                                            Please upload a grwm on this makeup look

                                                            Menal Raju


                                                              Menal Raju

                                                                try the mute stick

                                                                Kendall Brakeley

                                                                  Pleeeeease film a tutorial of this look 🥺😍 your skin is everything!!!!

                                                                  Blog Polar

                                                                    I need to do a nudestick shop I think. You and Jaime Paige have me feeling some FOMO. 💁🏻‍♀️

                                                                    Haley Robinson

                                                                      Lan, I suffer from under eye darkness (I'm Italian with very light skin) and the BEST corrector I have found is the LA Colors orange corrector. It look absolutely crazy when it goes on but the orange tinge totally disappears and melts with any concealer! Plus its SUPER affordable like $3…👀

                                                                      lourdes ocon

                                                                        Yes, yes l am a huge fan of Bobby B. Vitamin Cream Face. I mix it with a little retinol at night. It feels awesome.

                                                                        Claire Gueissaz

                                                                          That bronzer looks so beautiful but daaaang is esspensive 😳 Congrats on 600k, Lan 💕

                                                                          Lauren Young

                                                                            Hey Allana I purchased the Giorgio Armani face fabric second skin makeup foundation based off your review and a lil sample I got from Sephora. Would you revisit it and tell your current thoughts/your favorite way to apply it

                                                                            Sabrina S.

                                                                              I got the Aveeno drops because of your video with Anna and the smell got me hooked. I use it as a serum every morning especially since it's been getting warmer. Bought 4 more bottles since.

                                                                              Alyssa Foels

                                                                                You look so gorgeous in this video. I’m living for that makeup look 😻

                                                                                Patricia Resetar

                                                                                  Yes yes yes! The Bobbi Brown Face Base is awesome! It’s one of my favorite products. I used it as a moisturizer and primer while on vacation but use it as mostly a primer when at home. I use a dry beauty sponge to applying as a primer before makeup and smooth a light layer over my other moisturizer. Also, another great Bobbi Brown product is the cleansing balm! If you like the Face Base smell, you will love the cleansing balm!!!!!

                                                                                  dan gaw

                                                                                    Tom Ford stick whether Hourglass stick?

                                                                                    Keiko Morales

                                                                                      Lighting is so much better in this room! Love your makeup ☺️

                                                                                      Ash Owens

                                                                                        YES been through two pots of the Bobbi Vitamin Enriched Face Base! My go to for the winter always and is also a dream mixed with DE D-Bronzi!! xxx


                                                                                          wow I NEED that new nudestix blush! what brush did you use to apply it?

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