Bride Gets Fabulous Makeover From Drag Queens! | Drag Me Down The Aisle

Main Bride Gets Fabulous Makeover From Drag Queens! | Drag Me Down The Aisle

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    Say Yes to the Dress
      Bride Gets Fabulous Makeover From Drag Queens! | Drag Me Down The Aisle

      Emily feels self conscious in her ill fitting dress. Will Bebe, Alexis, Jujubee & Thorgy be able to get this young bride a stunning new wedding dress in time for her …


        Wow, this needs to be a regular tv series!

        Shana N

          Up the speed to 2, you're welcome!

          Katie C

            Where do I find friends who are into drag? 😩 I need some friends like this😩

            Vanessa Fortit

              I LOVE THIS!!!

              ally sha

                The sight of her in that beautiful wedding gown brought tears in the groom's eyes. Amazing reaction! WoW!

                Daniel Wilson

                  I kept waiting to see midgets and clowns as a added show ! What an awesome freak show !

                  Veni Grasia Utami

                    They are the one who we will learn about humanity.

                    Wani falak

                      It's beautiful how the drag queens understand the bride's emotions πŸ–€

                      Bre Love

                        Anyone else feel like she could be related to Ellen Page?

                        Betsy Chrysella

                          How beautiful!!!

                          swanky catfish

                            WE NEED MORE OF THESE QUEENS πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

                            Smoked Alive

                              SHE LOOKED BEAUTIFUL

                              Cathy Brodie

                                We didn't get to see the dress in detail πŸ™

                                Banana Cat

                                  Drag Queens are something special

                                  Becky Rode

                                    Whoever altered her first dress & let her walk away with it looking like that should be ashamed. It wasn't wearable

                                    Lami Martin

                                      She looks like a real Princess an I am totally crying!

                                      Donna Petit

                                        It's so unfortunate she doesn't realize how beautiful she is.


                                          She looked so beautiful inside and out!!!! She’s glowing omg I can not believe she does not have confidence FREAKING STUNNING teared up a little

                                          Jane Girot

                                            Your all beautiful

                                            mari del rio

                                              My face😐 idc
                                              Everyone else's face😭


                                                I don't even have a boyfriend, but I feel like I need one just so Thorgy can be at my wedding.

                                                marina kasparov

                                                  Omgggg I can’t wait to see more of these

                                                  Jenette Merlini

                                                    Why would she even buy a dress that highlighted her insecurities and didn't make her feel beautiful?! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

                                                    Ashton North

                                                      I guess they couldn't find any queens outside of Drag Race.

                                                      joseph murcia

                                                        My favorite shows being sorta combined ( rupauls drag race + say yes to the dress )… I CANT 😭


                                                          Yassssss. She’s beautiful. What a cute couple

                                                          Jessica Mason

                                                            Oh my gosh she is gorgeous! 😍

                                                            Maria Sanchez

                                                              This made me so emotional wtf I was so speechless too she looked beautiful and the way he looked at her my heart melts

                                                              Moira Anderson

                                                                She looks BEAUTIFUL! I want a drag queen makeover.

                                                                Moira Anderson

                                                                  What a loving group. I want these queens when i'm having a bad day.


                                                                    She looked like royalty qt the wedding, so beautiful ❀


                                                                      What a beautiful, supportive group of Drag Queens <3 I hope Emily felt AMAZING on her day celebrating her love with her husband <3 I know he thought she looked AMAZING as soon as he saw her <3

                                                                      Emu Tresh

                                                                        SCUSE ME
                                                                        THORGY THOR
                                                                        WTF MAN WHO ELSE LMAO


                                                                          She looked so beautiful and the queens are literally some of my favorite people

                                                                          Bonnie Over the Ocean

                                                                            She is so pretty!!!!!

                                                                            Cocoa and Consternation

                                                                              I don't know what this is, but I support it 100%

                                                                              Rachel Jenkins

                                                                                5:00 "Are we excited?" "YAAAAASSS!!!!!" XD

                                                                                Derrick Walton

                                                                                  Drag me down the aisle?!?!?! Yesss!!! I need more episodes! πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ˜

                                                                                  Soma Chatterjee

                                                                                    Am I the only one who thought that she has such wonderful curves that everything apart from the first ill fitting dress looked wonderful on her… And even her arms looked great

                                                                                    Bron Kroon

                                                                                      Wow, she is absolutely beautiful. Stunning natural beauty.

                                                                                      agathor boulder

                                                                                        That dress is everywhere

                                                                                        w harrington

                                                                                          Never been a fan of Alexis or Bebe but love Thorgy & Juju so much. These 4 beautiful Queens are Angels. They showed this bride all women are beautiful no matter your size. Omg & Thorgy performing had me in tears.

                                                                                          Gimme subscribers so I can be fAmoUs pLeAse

                                                                                            Ik all of those queens except for one of them


                                                                                              i love it when men cry happy tears

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