Brides is Not Afraid to Tell Entourage to Screw Themselves! | Say Yes To The Dress UK

Main Brides is Not Afraid to Tell Entourage to Screw Themselves! | Say Yes To The Dress UK

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    Say Yes to the Dress
      Bride is Not Afraid to Tell Entourage to Screw Themselves! | Say Yes To The Dress UK

      Emma Davidson is very certain on what style of dress she wants and is not afraid to go against her entourage’s opinions, if she falls in love with the dress.

      Sulaf Altwairgi

        Hell yeah

        Awesome Phoenix

          I wanna be a bride but im a guy…..

          The Latchen LLR

            Absolutely love this show… I’m so excited for the brides!

            Lisa lover

              But no one cares!

              Khloe’s Life


                di di

                  I love say Yes to the Dress!!!!❤

                  crazy slime

                    I'm first

                    Makenzie Ellis


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