Letting The Person in FRONT of Us Decide What We Eat!

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    Alex Centomo
      Letting The Person in FRONT of Us Decide What We Eat!

      We let the person in front of us decide what we eat! Follow Alex on instagram: Follow Kathryn on instagram: …


        Do just Canadian McDonald’s not have honey mustard? In the U.S they do

        Raquel Anastácio

          Love the video so much and miss the Katy, she's such a good friend (I wish I could have one like her) ❤️❤️ BTW, my fav place to eat fast food is Burger King!

          kyla wiles

            Do people often care about not touching each other’s straws or the same part they bit my friends and I never care

            W Huds

              Long black hair is beautiful absolutely Really nice

              Katja Vestergaard

                Loollll. I need to try this 😅

                Jade Weiss

                  Herpes isn’t passed through saliva. Skin to skin contact is how you contract it if the person carrying the virus has an active outbreak. Also, ~80% of the planet has herpes & it’s the least dangerous STI to have. Break the stigma girl.

                  Justine Co

                    Omg I love shania twain

                    Briana Sidoti

                      the other taco bell is in st-laurent 🙂 love you girlies <3

                      Fany D.

                        You just gave me some MAJOR cravings haha 😂

                        Angel Gaboury Dufort

                          There is a Taco Bell and a Wendy’s 2 blocks away from each other on tashereau… and then a Krispy Kreme not too far from those either 😂 also, love your friendship. I hope to find something like that one day

                          Maggie Hasper

                            You guys are so funny 😂 loved this

                            Hannah Guillen

                              Don’t confuse people, there’s no Taco Bell in Joshua tree. The Taco Bell is in yucca valley which is the next town

                              lizet bravo

                                I need to this challenge so that I can try new things because I always order the same thing lol


                                  Did Kat ever find out what ethnicity she is?

                                  elena pitucci

                                    Love this video x and yeesss please do more food videos together xo

                                    Jordan Cardinale

                                      Lmao you guys are the girls from pen15 on Hulu

                                      Emily Klein

                                        do you have emetophobia?? if you do please make a video!!!


                                          That Taco Bell in Levis, QC closed down recently 😂😢

                                          Dina Mustafa El Safty

                                            Actually, Alex, you eat cute 😂😍💕


                                              THIS IS SOOOO FUN I WANNA DO THIS VIDEO😍😍


                                                I wonder why people care so much about the plastic straw when the actual cup they get their coffee in is very big and also made of plastic

                                                Rebecca Kinsella

                                                  Pretty sure you can’t get herpes from a straw but😂 germs sure

                                                  Rebecca Kinsella

                                                    Pretty sure you can’t get herpes from a straw but😂 germs sure

                                                    Madison Gibson

                                                      ok but the backwash goes back into the drink so using your own straw doesn’t prevent you from drinking the other persons backwash lol


                                                        idk why but your guys’ voices sound so similar to me lmao


                                                          i thought you didn't eat meat

                                                          Stephanie Lawen

                                                            What if someone is sick. Then you get it lol

                                                            Kayla Smith

                                                              I hope everyone is having a beautiful day today 💜
                                                              Y’all are inspiring me to hop on this little trend 😂 any other smaller YouTubers here?

                                                              Sarah Marie3

                                                                I'm really hype about these videos rn bc I'm on a diet so I'm living vicariously through you. Thx luv u 😭🙏😂

                                                                Bee Irakabaho

                                                                  This whole video called me poor


                                                                    I thought you went back to eating fish, not meat? not hating at all, i'm just wondering 🤗

                                                                    A B

                                                                      Lol. Alex was like are you OK. Great video. 🤣😁

                                                                      Margarida Moniz Botelho

                                                                        ALEX:" I agree the saliva going back in the straw is discusting- something like this"
                                                                        ALSO ALEX: licks the straw before switching drinks

                                                                        kaya thomas

                                                                          Friend goals !!! Just chowing down with friends is the best 😍

                                                                          Alex Centomo

                                                                            Just for those confused, the Taco Bell and KFC share the same spot so they use the same bags!

                                                                            Also, I made a video last year on how I’m not vegetarian anymore. If you want to know why you can go watch that video! I was also never vegan.

                                                                            I didn't even think about the licking the straw thing in the moment and I'm freaking out a little tbh.

                                                                            Please be nice to Kathryn! No need to spread hate and if you do, I’ll just delete it ❤️

                                                                            Gunes Alici

                                                                              I thought you were a vegetarian?

                                                                              Valgerdur Vilbergsdottir

                                                                                Wait..isn’t Alex vegan?

                                                                                Hannah Renee

                                                                                  You’re actually the first person I’ve seen do this challenge😂

                                                                                  gabbie segond

                                                                                    I’m from Australia and never been to Taco Bell so I’m wondering why is the Taco Bell stuff in a KFC bag??

                                                                                    Dorleta Gutiérrez Sanz

                                                                                      Kathryn is so beautiful 🥰

                                                                                      Justine Mitchell

                                                                                        Did you go back to eating meat? Or maybe I’m confused and thought you didn’t eat meat before aha anyways loved this vid!!! Y’all r so cute xx

                                                                                        Dani Chudler

                                                                                          Omggg please have her as a podcast guest it could be health and fitness relateddd

                                                                                          Judith Fortin

                                                                                            The Taco Bell in Lévis closed 😭

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