My Boyfriend Does My Voiceover
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I N S T A G R A M: @Lisette ♡ T W I T T E R: @Luhhsetty My boyfriend does my voiceover! Thumbs up if you enjoyed! ☺ Makeup details below!


Tania Ruby
This is so sweet! And you look gorgeous!

Romanya Moberts
U Guys are cute I saw the insta post of you two on his Instagram ❤️❤️

Radroblox Girl

sophia ortiz

Savanna Cooper
This was so funny 😂😂 you are so pretty Lisette 💕💕 I love your makeup!! 😍

Haven M

mine pinky
This shit is funny as hell, he so funny does he use makeup because I heard him saying that is my favorite brush😂😂😂 more pink and shimmering😂😂 sir is highlighter

who else remembers “be sure to thumb me” ?? og members know!

Iesha Shy
I wish you could do my make up 😩
Your boyfriend is funny by the way 😆

he knows his makeup and skin terminology so well!! this dude's a keeper lol

Dessy Rose
your man is so funny, you can tell that he loves you!

Sarah Krell
Can you do a boyfriend tag please ps ilysm 💖💕

Nilima S

“You can never have enough eyelashes” PERIOD 😂😂😂

Shannon Houghtaling
I’m in love with his voice

Pinkyyy Yyy
“Yasss make sure u blend…DoNt PlAy”

Pinkyyy Yyy
This is hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️


sunflower Hashoongo
He said the eyelash glue is 'hot'😂


naledi mosoetsi
Blow this cause it's hot… I'm.dying

gab crystal
“oh did we uh lose a little uh service there oop we’re back” “lemme give youa. lil blink “ blink bahahha his comments were hilarious

user name
just kinda like unicorn look

user name

naledi mosoetsi
I'm so dead…"real quick"z😂😂😂

Kadambari Vanjari

Jyasmine Khadka
I m gonna start putting lines on my face more lines even more lines and few lines there 😆😆

"Now I'm gonna powder myself down… Like a donut "
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