Main › Chats, Cats and Makeup for Staying In!
- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
Lisa Eldridge.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120536
Lisa Eldridge
Chats, Cats and Makeup for Staying In!I filmed this on Monday this week and wasn’t sure whether to upload as it’s obviously a truely terrible time for the world and so many people. Thanks for all your …
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120537Sharalees Box Of Chocolates
Makeup is therapeutic for me too! Even though I'm stuck at home, I'm still putting on makeup (using a lot of fun, crazy colors too), doing my hair and putting on pants that button….have to keep myself in check😘 Your videos are a welcome distraction so please keep the makeup therapy coming! And I'm so sorry about your cat. Our animals truly become part of the family and it's so hard to have to let them go💔 Lots of love & prayers🙏
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120538KM Wilkinson
Love the laid-back video today. The light in your bathroom is soothing. Sorry about your sweet kitty. He was blessed to have you as his human mom!
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120539Kurbie1987
Hi Lisa. Greetings from Belgium (lockdown ongoing untill at least 19th of april)…I would love to see any content from you! Your videos have a very soothing feel to them for me 😉 I also put on makeup every day and try to really take my time with it, now that I have the chance 🙂 It is indeed a bit like meditation.
I wanted to say that I am very sorry for your loss. I have two dogs and a cat and they are my children so I can imagine, specially during this time, how hard it must be!
Stay healthy and happy xMarch 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120540Jamie F
Quite simply thank you! Not easy losing a pet at anytime, but to be home and reminded that little personality isn’t there must be hard. Keep up the videos, a little normality. Your videos are meditative, calming and centering. Xxx
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120541Zuzu Syk
Thank tou, Lisa, for this calming moment at these times ❤️
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120542Han the Homemaker
This is lovely – thank you! I, too, have found a bit of consolation in trying to keep to simple routines like make-up and dressing in nice clothes !
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120543DarbyQuinn
How is no one talking about how dreamy this bathroom is 😍
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120544Vol Vacations
I don't even wear makeup and these videos make me feel better.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120545Malgorzata Lanfredi
Hi Lisa,
I'm im Italy,Florence area n it's been 4wks tht i'm at home. I have a 20month old baby daughter n am working from home so u can only imagine how difficult it is. Fortunately a neighbour is helping me out with her doing some babysitting.
The virus situation here in ITA is still bad n yesterday almost 1000 ppl died which is a record n they r so many…it's very sad. There've been 2 waves of severe restrictions being applied but it takes about 2 wks to see the results.The first one seems to have helped slowing down the virus' spreading which is yet quite high. At the end of next wk I hope we'll see the numbers going down since there's a total lockdown.
Now on the good part. After days of not putting any makeup on (believe it or not i dont have time for it), yesterday i did it and i finally felt like myself, it's been like a healing n relaxing exercise. Another thing i've started doing is to put on more decent clothes apart from sweat pants,etc. cause since im not going anywhere n they r just there getting dust i can also wear them n look better 😎.
Working helps,forcing u to focus on sth else. Bad side…i've been eating a lot ehh..but now i need to put it all together otherwise i won't fit in the car 😅…n i have some motivation – the Meena ring arriving on Monday yeeey 🤩🥰 so excited!About the content,how about some crazy looks?
Sorry for Ur cat loss, i'm a cat person too. Once i had a car accident n when i got back home still feeling really bad the cat somehow knew n stayed with me very still n quiet keeping me company. 🐱😽😻
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120546Elle Bee
I’m so sorry for your loss-I have three cats of my own and will cuddle with them a little more dearly tonight. Your kitty had the best life a kitty could ever ask for!!! ❤️ BTW, part of me died when I you applied your velvet lipsticks—I wasn’t able to secure the soft Velvet collection in time before it sold out. 😭God, I hope this virus goes away for good soon!
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120547Roberta D
Hi Lisa ❤️
First of all, I’m sorry for your loss. I have a 10 months old cat and I can only imagine what it feels like.
Second: I live in northern Italy, and just talking about the situation makes me cry. I usually work from home so this isn’t new to me. I miss my daily walks though.
Luckily I have a cat too so I can play with him and cuddle. I also miss my parents, sister and all my nephews. They live 2 hours away.
But I’m grateful because I’m healthy.
Everyday though I think about those affected by all this. And my heart breaks 💔
I’m so grateful for our doctors, nurses, but also supermarkets cashiers, those in the food industry that guarantee us food.
Thanks for this content. I honestly don’t think it’s inappropriate. I enjoy every single channel I’m subscribed to because everyone contributes to distracting me.
P.S. I love Ted 💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Please we need a Ted talk!😂❤️❤️March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120548MsTheBow
oh, so sorry about your sweet cat.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120549sevgi kucuk
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120550Камилла Аильчиева
I live in Kyrgyzstan, luckily our government acted as grownups this time and shut down the country, sent everyone home, stopped everything. I also quit casual drinking like wine and beer, and ladies, my skin has lifted , pores shrunk. So my day goes – I wake up, cold shower, coffee, going for a 5 min walk (taking trash out or walking my pet) going back home, cleaning, doing work, having lunch, doing work, working out, read books, chill.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120551Theresa Mellings
Hello am in Australia still going to work. Am a Carer Respite Coordinator supporting families with elderly family members at home. It is great to see a make up video as a break. Hoping all goes well for you and your family. Like the idea of how many different looks you can do with the makeup you have at hand. We are all trying to protect our doctors and nurses as they face a great risk to care for those that are sick.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120552Камилла Аильчиева
I’m sorry for your cat. I also have an 18 y.o. Cat
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120553airemay
I'm in Washington state, just outside Seattle. This past week was rough. I've mostly been relying on good skin care and under eye concealer. All I have the energy for!!
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120554Rojan Junior
week 7 of staying home, love from Iran.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120555Crys Arri
I would love to have a video on more clean makeup brands you like.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120556Anonymous
Hi,check this link for the best offer ever and good quality in all product. 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120557Jackie o sullivan
I wish I could put my make up! I haven't been able to put on my make up for a couple of weeks because I have terrible conjunctivitis. Symptomatic of the virus, awaiting the result of a test. Anxiety is through the roof! So glad you uploaded a video. I've recreated so many of your looks. Especially the emerald eye, love it! You are a lovely, classy, elegant lady, lisa. Love to you and everyone here from around all of us here in Ireland. xx
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120558elli bee
Thank you Lisa for posting content, I love the casual chatty style. I'd love to hear you read your book or try out some really interesting editorial looks, your bathroom looks so chic by the way. I'm in Melbourne Australia, I'm a barista and manage a cafe, we were doing takeaway only up until today, being our last day of trade. I believe we will move to tighter restrictions on Monday in our state of Victoria. During lockdown I will be cleaning and sorting the house, including a substantial make up collection, I will be making beads and jewellery with my youngest teen daughter and watching many movies, tv series, documentaries (looking forward to seeing yours) and much youtube and playing lets dance on ps3 or ps4… Stay safe everyone Stay Inside and #flattenthecurve
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120559Aìda Lòpez Vàzquez
Please do the video about your book Lisa, it is always awesome hearing you talk, we always learn, cant imagine how it would be doing explaining some content from your book, also hygiene tips for makeup i think nobody does that, and That is super important, take care, and stay safe everyone, hugs from Mexico.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120560DeeNana
Your cat is so nice and looking so cuteeeeeeeee, love love. I love thing you do, make up….and I think, it is a nice thing to do evening when you are locking indoor! Do anything you have fun, you love and you happy with, to do are always nice in anyway( to me)…cheers!
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120561Himbeerfee81
Dear Lisa,
feel free to film whatever you like to do. I'd Love to see a mix of techniques (simple smokey eyes, the application of thin liner) or everyday looks with a twist, different looks with one palette or quad.
You mentioned you have your kit at home. What about a what's in yout kit video?
Everyone stay save and flatten the curve.March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120562Nicoletta Dalla Ragione
I live in Italy in Tuscany and although we havent been affected as much as Northern Italy, the situation is getting worse here too. It is just heartbreaking. Trying to stay positive, currently working from home. I would normally walk an hour every morning but as of now you cant leave the house beyond 200 meters by feet. Yoga with Adriene is helping a lot!! Thank you Lisa for this video, love you!! Xx
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120563Nova Cat
I just lost my 19yo rescue cat in October. It's even more difficult to be quarantined without her. Anyway, thanks for your tutorial. They're always so pleasant.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120564Crys Arri
Thank you for some normality!
I live on Guam, and we're on lock down until the middle of April. I've been cooking a lot and enjoying family time. My family has been going walking, as well, to get some fresh air and exercise.
I'm very thankful for all of this happening in a time when we're so blessed by technology. We can watch lovely videos like this, as well as video chat with loved ones. I've even been attending church online. There are blessings even in this.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120565ajdukujac
Dear Lisa
You have no idea how much your videos mean to me. Your selfless sharing of your knowledge, your calmin persona and warmth you transpire on this platform. Anything you do makes me very happy. By the way I bought some of your lipsticks and they are the nicest in my collection. Incredible versatile and high quality. Never stop doing them!!
In Croatia we are quarantined for almost 10 days. Almost 600 people infected and 3 of them lost their life. We have restricted movement so I am in my village but having a little almoust 3 year old boy really doesn't give me a chance to feel quarantined. We play, watch cartoons, go outside a bit for a walk. I have online classes so I always am learning something new. Only thing that's worrying me is that maybe we won't have a tourist season as it is my main income. Please do videos with more simple but very effective techniques. Like the ones you did about simple eyeliner, watercolor blush technique etc. Those are marvellous!!!March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120566liliana esparza
Gorgeous Cat ..!!!!!! 😻😻😻
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120567stargazerlillie7
Thank you for making this video, Lisa. It definitely helps us when we're staying home. I'm an American currently living in Singapore and the stark contrast between the reactions of these two countries to the virus leaves me feeling almost guilty that I'm not with experiencing the same difficulties as my extended family.
So sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds like Peachop spent a wonderful life with your family.
I would love to hear you read a chapter from your book! As I'm sure many people have told you, your voice is so soothing that I think if you were to do an audio book it would be a hit! Lots of love from Singapore. 💕 Be well and take care!March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120568Aiva
thank you so much! Your videos are always so cosy and calming down . And i vote for crazy look! haha
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120569Collette
Oh, Lisa I am so happy to see you putting on makeup. I love makeup and wear it everyday. I’m so sorry you lost your lovely cat. YMy 17 year old cat passed away January 27. Since I’m single it’s just been me and her. She was my comfort cat and companion for those long years. I haven’t worn makeup since the day she died. Grieving since end of January. Seeing you is giving me the incentive to start wearing makeup again. Thank you Lisa 💙
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120570Diana Sanchez
I’m really sorry for your loss 💚🌱
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120571Mary Clavin
Thank you Lisa -Of course I remember Peachop. I'm so sorry he has passed away, seeing them go is so very hard. I was hoping Betty would make a cameo, but it was great to see Teddy! Whatever you do in the upcoming videos is good with me bc I love it all – xo
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120572María Sofía Morales Guzmán
I needed this to relax! Thank you Lisa your videos have helped me going through hard times in my life and today is no exception. I love you
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120573Rosa María Vélez
I need to play with makeup. Ive been purchasing online (what I always do but haven't done in a while) Ive abandoned myself trying to keep my mind busy reading or studying. Love from Puerto Rico, USA.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120574Einat
Im from Israel. We are staying at home for 2 weeks already. I love your makeup tips. Thanks
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120575Kathryn Vagalatos
Thank you for talking about your sweet cat. I'm sorry that you lost your baby. It is the worst. Love you xooxox Kathryn
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120576Matilda
So nice to hear from you Lisa! ☺️👋 My condolences again (I can hardly think about it without tearing up, losing a pet is such a terrible time!) and thank you for coming on to give us all a nice distraction. Look after yourself x
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120577Poppet CrabappleToadflax
More cats please 💫
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120578BongSu
Thanks for the video, Lisa. I’m excited to hear about your up coming documentary! I’d love a video from you about concealing dark circles not just below the eyes but on the eye lids.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120579jamie warkentine
I’m in British Columbia,it’s strangely quiet as we’re all doing our bit staying home as much as possible. Your videos are always my favourite especially now , thank you and stay well .
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120580Julia Pearson
I think everyone needs a distraction from what is happening. You are so relaxing to watch Lisa! Please keep making videos during this time.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120581doyletronic
We are in Southern California, so thankful for the weather warming up so we can be outdoors in the daytime, just in the back garden. We have been shelter in home officially since March 19. We are to que to enter the grocery store, a few in at a time. All restaurants, salons, theaters, schools music venues closed. We are trusting God and trusting the experts that staying home is helping although we cannot see it yet. Thank you for reaching out to provide a moment of beauty and calm for us, your voice is restful. Thank you for thinking of others at this time.
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120582KYRALYS MAKEUP
sorry for your loss..please stay safe for you and your family. Can't help to say your video really put a smile on my face. Here in Malaysia we have Movement Control Order which extended until 14th April. Sending my love to all people around the world..
March 28, 2020 at 7:52 am #120583Amethyst Samia
I cried while you told us about your cat passing on. I’m one I rhise crazy animal people that is more attached to animals than I am to most people. My best thoughts and vibes go out to you. Your Ted and his talks…remjds me of my very best good friend Blackie Who has been gone 5 years now. He was a very masculine chow mix who could hold an entire conversation with you!
As for content during the lockdowns most of us are under, I’d love to see you showcase your cats. Makeup techniques is always wanted and needed, but some much needed animal love is also needed. 💕
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