Do Scalp Massagers Really Work? | FAB or FAIL
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Cute Girls Hairstyles
Today is another#FabORFail for you guys! Do scalp massagers really work?? Paisley and I are testing out several today, with a full review on each! Which will …

Cute Girls Hairstyles
Which scalp massager would you want to try?? Comment below! 💋's -Mindy

Paisley: "I love you more." So sweet! Love both of your honesty in this.

Hemangi Kadu
Hey Mindy can you do hairstyles on curly short hair. I have curly hair and I can only do a ponytail.

kat clem
Would you do a video on bringing out waves and curls and how to get rid of dry flakey scalps

Alyssa Pisut
The first one I think makes me feel ticklish

We need prom hairstyles mindy

Danielle D
Mindy you have a black daughter. can you PLEASE do tutorials for African American hair?

Danielle D
Mindy you have a black daughter. can you PLEASE do tutorials for African American hair?

Teagan Yanez
Paisley I have that sweater!!! Love you all ❤️

Teagan Yanez
You and your whole family are so beautiful and funny!!! I love you ❤️

Hanna Hayes

Please do hair styles and care on Paisleys hair! I have been wanting a ton of them since she joined your family! Long long time subbie ❤❤

Carly Deprospo
Can you do some beaded braid hairstyles for little girls with curly hair?!?

Ms. King
Paisley has beautiful natural hair. I love it!

Caroline Dolan
I think the purple one was my favorite out of all of them. Seems very useful and most effective out of the rest. Sorry I’m late! I still love y’all! 😂💕💕

Megan Holder

Samantha Stavropoulos
Hi can you do Paisleys Room tour video please?? Please 🙂

Nasya Richardson
Paisley Is ROCKING her beautiful type 4 hair😍😍😍😍

Sky vs Ty

Judy Whitehall
Mindy you are always teaching knowledgeable things to your subscribers and miss Paisley is growing up hope her grades are good, love you and family God blessings and care.

Natalie Pedroza
Paisleys adorable😊 I loved this video! Now I want a hair massager😂

Kevin Holy
The spider head massager is a great one, but the hands of a world class massage therapist still wins hands down (pun intended) especially if you get free sessions for being a son of one.
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