GET READY WITH US IN SPANISH *disaster* (with english subtitles)
Main › GET READY WITH US IN SPANISH *disaster* (with english subtitles)

SHOP LIGHTS LABEL HERE And follow us on social IG: @lightslabel FB: @lightslabelUS Twitter: @lightslabelUS GET MY COLOURPOP …

Sweet Jesus. I’m so so so sorry.
I didn’t want to post this video. I didn’t.
But then there would be NOTHING to post today……. so I decided to just go for it lmao.
Like I said … I’m sorry.
We got too lit.

vale amaya
I’d be ok with only one upload per week if every video was this funny. It’s so hilarious!!

Las adoro, mis videos favoritos 😂😂🥰

Priscilla So
Oh. My. Gossshh. I was dying after your 40 minute break. 😂😂

sara alvarez
Jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja ay diosito me ha encantado. No tengan vergüenza chicas.HA estado genial , mi inglés es más o mnos como vuestro español y mi consejo es que practiquen aunque cometan errores 😄.Queremos más vídeos en español. Saludos desde España

Literally couldn’t stop laughing😂😂😂😂

Oh Gizzy
El mejor espanglish video que eh visto……..en mi vida coño!! Ay no puedo dejar de laughear!😂

La Diva 👑
I’ve watched this video at least 5 times today. Que risa dan chicas 😂

Dios, me he muerto de risa 😂😂😂

forever and ever my favourite friendship duo. has never failed to make my day better <3

Agustina T

thelma yela
Dude I fucking cannot! This shit right here had me laughing out loud for real! 😂💀

Vicky Victoria

Filzah Azizul
in love with buzzed Kathleen!!! 😂😂😂

Agustina T
“En esta casa no compramos Natasha Denona porque no tenemos dinero”. I felt that.

Michelle Sarti
This is my favorite video ever of you and Jessi and it makes me really sad that I don’t have a Cuban bestie to get drunk and speak Spanglish with.

im high and i watched this video halfway through before i realised it was in spanish and i wasnt reading the

Adriana Soto
I am dying !!! I love you guys , you and jessi are hilarious.

Melissa Navarro
Tomada y con risa igualmente. Omg ustedes juntas es todo lo que pedimos,… y borrachas 😂😂😘

Maddie Osborne
Best video you’ve ever made

Vanny’s Corner
The video I have been waiting for all my life!

Ellie Colón NuYoRicanSunshyne
Muchacha pero que desastre! Pa’ eso toman?….lolll

Irlanda Nieto
yes yes yes yes yes yes this is everything i've ever wanted !!!

Literally one the the BEST most FUNNIEST videos that has ever graced the internet
Thank you Kathleen you legit made me cry laugh so hard! I love it! Love you and Jessie
Congratulations to Jessie on her first collab 💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️

OMG BEST VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!!!! You guys have made history!!!! So so hilarious!! I swear i love love love y'all! You guys arr seriously goals!!!! Pleaseeeeee do more videos!!!! You have to!!!! Yall were made for each other!!!!!!!

Courtney Sigmon
This is too hilarious I can’t breath 😂😂😂

Arelis Benitez
Me muero de la risa! Para haber nacido en eu tienen el acento cubano bien marcado. Me encanta

Annemarie Hutt
This is my favourite video

Flor DeLiz
Laughed all throughout but the Walter mercado. I was DEAD 💀😭

Erin Mitchell

Kimberly Dominguez
Omggg no joke these types of videos with Jessi make my day, you guys are so funnyyy I wish to have friends like you guys

Sahiry Marure
“Wipes de culo “ Im dead 😭😂💀

Rei Life

Kathleen's spanish is wayyy too cuban to understand lmao. I loved how Jessi kept it going with Spanish though hahaha toooo funny
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