Golden Rosy Makeup Look using Indie Brands

Main Golden Rosy Makeup Look using Indie Brands

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Lisa Eldridge.
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  • #113414
    Lisa Eldridge
      Golden Rosy Makeup Look using Indie Brands

      For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. Follow me on instagram here: …


        Who else feels they need to get this powder asap? 😍 xx

        Georgia Home

          I struggle doing my liner even before Mascara, because my lashes get in the way so I cannot see what I do. Don't want to complain about being blessed with good lashes, but I guess there are two sides to everything 😅


            Your rings are always mesmerising. I’m hoping that someday I can afford that kind of luxury. I would treasure it forever.


              Lisa, if you look on your Amazon order history, you might be able to find the mirror – not that it’s thee d of the world if we don’t know. 😉


                Lovely. ♥️

                Tammy Gratteau

                  The look is stunning…thank you for the Indie introductions!


                    All Hail The Queen! She’s back! The best of the best. Welcome back, Lisa!


                      Hey Lisa! I absolutely love your videos and I have been a long time subscriber. I know a few years back you did a favorites video and I really enjoyed watching that and found some amazing products through that video. Would you be open to doing a new favorites video? I think we all would love to see an updated list and also what products still remain your favorites. I am a step mom to 2 teenagers who are just getting into makeup and they have tons of questions regarding proper application of makeup and I had them subscribe to your channel because you are the master in my opinion. Thank you so much for continuing your channel. I get so excited when I see a notification that you posted a new video. Lots of love from Connecticut xx 😘


                        My seemingly asleep kitty started going "äggägäääägggmeckmeck" when the video started, let´s interpret this as a "happy new year to you too Lisa".

                        Cynthia Foster

                          Lisa, nonchalantly blending her eyeshadow w a blush brush. An icon.

                          Beauty Boomer

                            Every video is a mini Master Class. You are an inspiration 💜



                              Gaby Zanguitu

                                The highlighter looks amazing!!!✨✨🤩

                                Shanie Crosbie

                                  So happy to see you on here! Thank you, beautiful as always.

                                  Kat George

                                    Agreed Lisa is a phenomenal artist.

                                    Carol Watson

                                      Hi Lisa this is Carol and I just found your channel by way of John who just did a review if you were nudestix your velvet lipsticks and he thought they were wonderful so I got your YouTube address from his and here I am and so I thank him for sending me and I look forward to seeing your tutorials in the future thank you I'm Carol in Maryland

                                      Dimana Dervisheva

                                        What better thing to do at 6.30am than pancakes and watch Lisa 🙏🏻💜 While the baby sleeps 😅 Happy new year Lisa!

                                        K. Ross

                                          I love your videos so much and this is such a beautiful look. Awhile ago you mentioned you might do a tutorial or two addressing dark undereye circles. Any chance that might still happen? Asking because as a 48 year old with very very dark circles, I feel I've tried so many products/techniques and just can't seem to have any luck covering them properly. Thanks, Lisa!

                                          Australia Sydney

                                            I love videos where Lisa is her own model over people who come to have their make up done. Can never have enough Lisa fix, what a treasure! x



                                              K W

                                                Thanks for using lesser known brands because – it lets us know they exist!!!!! You look beautiful as always 💕

                                                Zainab Sandhu

                                                  For a second I thought it was Rachel Weisz in the thumbnail. So gorgeous!

                                                  Sarah C

                                                    I ordered the Manasi 7 powder !

                                                    Andrea S

                                                      This is lovely thank you! How do you keep your lower lash mascara from falling during the day?

                                                      Carissa Austin

                                                        I met danessa myricks a couple years ago in San Francisco and she is the most genuine, warm person. You just instantly fall in love with her. I’m also a huge fan of her products, they are great quality

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