
Click the Like Button if you love Cheap & Great Makeup! xo’s ~ Tati HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE » » » …

Sun Ceremony
Love the Stevie Nicks look ❤️. I’m all about it!

Melaina Dean
I think this is one of my fav looks Tati has done. Her mood has changed so much. I’m so happy for her

Lora Miller
Mother Nature was surprised at the cost of the foundation so she shook!

Theresa Howard
Omg! Girl I LOVE this whole look👀💗💗💗you look so great! 🔥🔥🔥

Carol Miller
I love you, not loving the look

Kaitlin Martin
I’m getting some serious Stevie Nicks / 90’s vibes. Love it

Srijan Keshri
Wow ur look at the begining,Love it! Dark colours suit u Tati. Love u😘

Georgina P.

Chris Neth
Hi Tati, love the color dress you are wearing and the colors of makeup you chose for it. I am not crazy about the hair. You have such beautiful hair, I like it much more in the other videos whether it be straight or wavy. Not sure what to call this style. You are beautiful anyway. Just not my favorite.

Gabriel Martinez

excel fleet limo
like the crease shade…very beautiful

Michelle D
Just so ya'll youngins know we did not have the luxury of nice makeup in the 90's we had CVS and bradlees lol

Corrie R
I love me some vampy Tati! Melisandra vibes, indeed!

Nicole Sarkisian
I love you so much Tati 💙 your so pretty 💕

Dede Daniels
Omg!!! You look amazing!!

Erika Fernández

Gloria Sol
Tati…I love you, but are you high?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thats the vibe Im getting😉🥰😍😘

P. consuela banana H.

Stacey Ellington
I am getting 1996 Goth Chic vibes, Tati. Good job!

Carol YoursTruly

Paula Garcia
Ur looking so earhty and like the motther in rapunzel but like glam, young and nice

Paula Garcia
I loooovvvvveeee the haiiiiirrrrr

Hayley Williams
i LOOOOOOOVE your hair like this!! this is what my hair looks like since i’m growing it out and i just love crimpy crazy hair

Jess Navarro
I would’ve stopped filming after the shake i HATE earthquakes like I literally cry each and every time!

Kara Moran
you're a whole freaking mood in this video xDD

i haven't watched or read GoT in a few years but i think it's melissandra? lol i have no idea.

the makeup looked SO GOOD before the lashes. lashes ruined the look

everyday flores
Hi Tati I was wondering why don't u ever Review neutrogena products on ur channel I would love to know if their any good

Where are the comments about the freaking earthquake Tati caught on camera?!?!
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