GRWM: Special Event Glam! *full transformation*
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I N S T A G R A M: @Lisette ♡ T W I T T E R: @Luhhsetty Get Ready With Me for a special event! In today’s video I’m headed to the BET awards! This is my hair, …

Alexis 18

Madison Senior

Shazz Z Tv
You were stunning girl ! 😍😍😍😍😍

Daniela Rodriguez
Love these types of videos ♥️

Monica Acevedo
I’m surprise that we saw her man in the video. 👀👀👀😏

saleha Alketbi
can you tell me please from where you get your wings please? need the same ASP.

Tina Lopez

Kim Daniels
Is it just me that likes her videos before she does anything….? Btw ilysm❤❤

Jasmin Mora
does anyone know where i can get a headband that’s like the one she’s wearing when she’s doing her makeup ?

Eric Campbell
love ur videos but why are they always so short

Amelia Wodnicka
Eyelashes really boost that makeup!

Radroblox Girl

Danielle Nance

Sincere Grant

Ashleigh-Jane Vids
Yayyyy Lisette u revealed ur boyfriend🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️

Utshaha Bhandari
Luhhsety u are different then other u are gourges u are confident u are smart u are beautifull and last but not the list u are strong and I felt in luv with your dress and your makeup too
Luv ❤
So much and guys if u luv luhhsetty the like this comment

Bri Johnson
I could’ve slayed that frontal better 😩

Ashleigh-Jane Vids
Lisette the hair looks gorgeous on uuu🥰❤️

Maryam’s Way

Jamie Gweh

Taif Qassim
Can’t get over how gorgeous she looks 💜

Sydney Carr

Sonam Singh
She was the one getting ready and I had anxiety watching thinking I’m gonna be late!!! 🤦♀️

Asia Girl
You slay before and after 💙

Dola Disu
That thumbnail is fireeee 💥💥 And so inviting we need a video on how you take pictures and do your thumbnail for Small Youtubers (speaking for others )thank you in advance ❤️👐🏽💃

We love u from Saudi Arabia🇸🇦💞💞💞

Jalila Razaqi
Could u do a summer pamper or morning routine please heart ❤️ this comment I love your videos 🥰🎉🎉🥳🎊

Iesha Shy
She slayed! She needs to be a make up artist. She has such talent besides make up.

Marcel Atto
Was the guy that was with you your boyfriend

James King
I’m a dude why is this recommended for me. Gorgeous lady but the wig is bad.

Kaylee Walker
Just remember stick with you natural hair 😉😉

Cheyenne H
Geez 😍 steppin on necks sis

ken copp.

Sarah Howell
also did u get there by 10am bc if so then im impressed

Sarah Howell

The way you have grown as a woman sis ❤️ blessed

Love that you yanked that piece of hair out 😂😂😂😂

molli & nat
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