how am i doing really? ..

Main how am i doing really? ..

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Alex Centomo.
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    Alex Centomo

      Follow me on instagram: Free download: Discount page: BPD …


        Selflove is really one of the most important things in life and I only recently noticed it


          I go through a similar thing with losing my childhood home. My mom lives in a rented flat and I grew up there. I moved out a year and a half ago to live on my own and it was veeery hard for me because I can't really deal with change that good. I got used to it eventually but then had mental health issues and moved back in with my mom. Now the landlord said she has to move out and I can feel that it stresses her out so much (there's a lot of personal stuff going on with her) and it's hard on me too because it's my childhood home. I thought I was overreacting but hearing that you feel the same in a similar situation gives me strength. You're an inspiration, Alex!

          Dreamer .13

            I have been dealing with the exact same issues Alex. I got married last September and since then I've been strugling so much with my body weight and my mental health in general. You are not alone in this and I want to thank you for posting this video because made me realise that I am the only one dealing with this kind of issues:) Best wishes!

            L4Lovely Live

              Hey Alex, try not to worry about the house so much because nobody can take your memories away from you, they’re not set in the house to just remain there, they’re set in you and you can always have those memories no matter where you live💕🌸

              Trisha Gouldner

                My husband is deployed so I will be alone for the next 6 months. Since he left my sleeping started being nonexistent and I broke out in hives really bad. It’s hard for me to get out of bed and live my life! Oh did I mention we are stationed in a foreign country so I’m oceans away from my family! Lol but I find getting out with my friends, eating healthy, working out, working on projects, working, praying and asking God for support. All these things are slowly but surely getting me through this rough time! Hang in there!

                Lee and Fi

                  Stay strong Alex. I definitely can relate to you. I just turned 30 this year, and I definitely feel like my metabolism is not what it used to be. I feel like I have to be more careful with what I eat. On top of that, I don’t feel like I have the same energy level! If I can stay home, and much on snacks, and watch TV I am a happy camper lol. I think you are beautiful, and all we can do is the best we can, don’t beat yourself up.

                  Lora Harris

                    please do a video on intermediate fasting! would love to try it but don’t really understand it

                    Barbara Pro

                      The most important thing to get over any mental issues is to realise what you already have in your life and focus on those that brings you joy. Also you need to consider if everything you have is worthy to feel stressed about…I telling this from my experience I didn't have nothing, no job , no helthy boby, no supportive family, no boyfriend, no money, no friends. Just imagine your life without all those !!!!

                      yeah hi

                        i love you so much for doing this

                        Shahed Mahadeen

                          alexxxx i love uuu ,,,and love how honest u r with ur followers

                          Olivia Jankowski

                            Wow everything you described about your eating habits is literally what I’ve been trying to figure out for a long time!! Glad I can relate to someone

                            Samantha Hendrickson

                              Your videos always are so perfectly in sync with my vibes. You truly are a light to this world and a gorgeous role model for all of us!! You always remind me that we should be grateful of even the smallest things that bring a smile to our faces bc we never now what the larger picture may be!! Thank you for this platform and good luck on this journey!! Great things are ahead!!!💗💗💗

                              Laura Rivera

                                Really been liking the videos you've been putting out lately! Just getting back from vacation and definitely feeling a bit sluggish because really let myself go, but going to take small steps to be more mindful of my choices.

                                Katja Vestergaard

                                  Thanks for sharing girl! We all need to be more vulnerable with our true feelings ect. Love ya my Canadian sis ❤

                                  anna W.

                                    Alex, parts of your video really resonates with me. My dad passed suddenly when I was 16. We lived in a beautiful house which I dreamt I would live in one day. My mum decided to sell the house when I was in my early 20s. My sister and I were really upset. It wasn’t until years later that I realised my mum just found it too painful to live there anymore. I’m so glad you acknowledge mental health, and have been able to open up about your struggles. Sometimes it’s easier to share with strangers than it is those closest to you. Dan does seem to be very supportive. Keep sharing, it will do you good.

                                    Sydney Bezenar

                                      Alex! A tip for the pasta. If you ever get the craving when you're at home, just make a very simple pasta with plain marinara (check the ingredients and try to look for one with no added sugar). Then have some steamed/sauteed veggies on the side! A healthier and still very satisfying way to eat pasta.


                                        I literally love you sooooo so much & kyla, dan, the fam etc ❤️❤️❤️❤️

                                        Kayla Maret

                                          I’ve been feeling the same way and dealing with similar struggles especially with food and living in extremes I never knew how to explain but thank you for sharing I’m not sure where to even start especially with food because when I get in my health kick I become too obsessive and I’ve been eating soooo much junk and it’s difficult for me to get away from it lately I’ve been thinking I should focus on getting back into a routine so I first maybe want to start exercising again or start eating healthy first but I feel like doing both at the same time becomes stressful so idk if you’re like me but my try one or the other first thank you so much sharing Alex!!! Love love love your channel 🖤🎀

                                          Nicole Murray

                                            Something I learned about binge eating is that it's usually not about the food itself but rather an immature coping mechanism that we learn as infants. When we get fed as babies, we feel nurtured and taken care of not only because of the food but because it's usually being given to us by someone that we love. As we get older, sometimes we continue to try and use food to feel the same level of nurturance as we did when we were children. As someone with CPTSD and a binge eating disorder, I know this is absolutely true for me. The best thing we can do is when we feel the need to binge eat or have a cheat day, is find a friend or a loved one instead and share a meal with them, focusing on the connection that we feel and allowing us to satiate our need that way. Kati Morton has a great video about that here –

                                            Sydney Sargeant

                                              I think seeing a therapist is extremely smart. I think the whole "going to a therapist should be as regulated looked at as equal to going to the doctor". I think its the same for nutrition. Have you ever seen a Nutritionist? They're kind of like a therapist and a food therapist! (**if you get a good one!**)

                                              Becky Riesinger

                                                Not depriving ourselves is very important, but it's also just as important to remember moderation even when we indulge. It's okay to have a cookie or piece of delicious bread every now and then, but eating the whole batch of cookies and loaf of bread is when it becomes an unhealthy relationship with food. Over indulging even on "cheat meals", which has a negative connotation already, leads to feelings of guilt and regret and those just aren't healthy. Practicing mindful eating is imperative to a healthy relationship with food.


                                                  Hey alex! Send me a message on instagram @nienkejansz I am a model from London and have been struggeling with my weight since years. But since 6 months I feel amazing, built muscle, lost fat and am motivated to eat a certain way. I can give you some amazing tips xxx

                                                  Vanessa Henry

                                                    Sending much love from Illinois! I can relate to the selling of childhood home. My family moved from Ohio to Illinois years and years ago and I hated leaving my home but you will always have those positive memories <3

                                                    raveena khella

                                                      tbh same

                                                      Fabiola Suárez

                                                        Love when you’re being so honest with us! It’s like we’re friends

                                                        Anna AAD

                                                          The fact that you want to be in a good place mentally and physically before you have a baby is such a sweet thing, not only for the baby that will be able to grow in a healthy house, but also for you, because you will be able to appreciate more the moment! You're a very nice person💕

                                                          Amy Olavandier

                                                            Have you thought about the possibility of you being an Empath? Could potentially be the cause of the constant drainage, I think you should look into it! I hope you find peace <3

                                                            Rebecca Lynn Taylor

                                                              Being in a rut is so discouraging, I'm certainly there right now! It's so tough! I love that you're talking about this! Good, true friends are so important to. Surrounding yourself with the right people makes a huge difference 💕😊💕

                                                              Eleni S

                                                                These videos are so helpful to me. And you always upload them when I feel like I am in need of advice and help which is so fascinating to me. Anyways thank you a lot Alex you make me feel normal and less stressed.

                                                                marie justinger

                                                                  I literally have the same issue there are times where I eat just healthy foods and do workouts every day, meditate and feel so obsessed with living this healthy lifestyle but then suddenly I just dont care about my health at all and it sucks so much because I feel so depressed and dont know what to do with my life. Its so hard to find balance when there are also other things happening in your life. Hope you will find a way to be happy& healthy 💗

                                                                  Camille Madore-Perreault

                                                                    I feel you girl, change is hard. I just quit the job I had for the past six years and got a new one, I also lost my best friend at the same time. We need to be focused on being better on ourselves so we can see change from a new perspective.

                                                                    Josefine Öijer


                                                                      tess g

                                                                        Hey Alex, sorry for what you are going through.. I used to binge A LOT. Food would control my life, I would think about it constantly and coming back from school I would binge so badly. So I am going to give you advice because it is horrible.. I heard that binge eating it caused from "starving or restricting" yourself and so your brain tells you to eat. So I would recommend eating more on a daily basis (outside of you binge periods). What works for me is having oatmeal in the morning (oats, banana, cinamon, coconut milk in microwave and a tablespoon of peanut butter) because its satisfying and really fills you up and the peanut butter is sweet so I dont crave sweetness later on in the day. I dont think you should count/track anything or even avoid certain foods like burgers. HOWEVER as long as you are the one cooking it and making a healthier version (and not the ridiculous salad wrap but creating your own gluten free filling bread). I even had this really delicious healthy cookie recipe that I would eat weekly and now I dont even feel the need. Otherwise try to replace your carbs with potato, oatmeal, rice. So to resume: eat more during your meals, no tracking but cook your own "cheat meals" so they aren't even cheat meals but they taste just as good. Anyway I am in no way a doctor or whatever but this is what works for me. Hope you find something that works for you 🙂

                                                                        Tainá Castro

                                                                          thank you for sharing, i can truly relate with it! hope you have an amazing day ✨

                                                                          Danielle Wolford

                                                                            it feels really good to hear another person talk about this type of relationship with food/exercising, thought i was alone with this for a while. i want to be good all the time too

                                                                            Johanna H

                                                                              Lovely Alex 😍 It would be nice if you can do more videos example "my days" about sport, food etc. 😊☀️

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