how to become a VSCO girl *basic AF*
Main › how to become a VSCO girl *basic AF*

Tara Michelle
BASICALLY I learn what’s fun fresh and trendy with teenagers these days, following their “VSCO girl” aesthetic…! basically becoming a vsco girl means being …

I like the vsco trend. It's basically what athletes wear essentially plus makeup. My cousin is very into it and now i make her personalized stickers and scrunchies. Very retro..i dig it. Also wanna add hot gorl summer and vsco are different things lol 😄

Ana M

Hannah Marie xoxo
So basically almost every girl at my highschool.

Shanti’s Candle

Ne Angel

guess Mee
This is very cringe: lol try cleaning your house instead of setting traps for the ants lol.

Cesar Macedo
Her- who wears croc like heck no
Me-🙋♀️ I do and they are pretty cute with my charms
Oh btw I am not offended

vsco girl and hot girl summer are not in the same category. dont do that to meg lol

Theresa Kettler
Crocs are freakin awesome what are you saying

Hannah Longworth

Saige Trahan

This reminds me of when people use tumblr as an adjective 😂

so my dad is vsco? he has a white jeep lol

Emma Spill
My goal this summer is to become a vsco girl

Tarah Daly
Ahhhhh hahaha! My favorite video of yours, BY FAR!

Leslie E.
3:52 I was straight up about to start counting lol

This is the Ultimate VSCO girl starter pack! 😂💕


McKailey McLarty
I’m a vsco girl
Like this if you are

Basically let's repeat the 90s and say it's a new trend. Minus the hydro flask

Jackie Tocco
I wear my crocs 24/7 when I'm not at work or the gym. MY HEART BROKE WHEN YOU HATED ON THEM

A Mackenzie


Stephanie Wesson
Crocs?!!! Why would that ever be a trend!

natalie renee
how is someone so pretty without makeup

Vanessa Caucci
She’s acting so oddly different in this video

Funny video! It seems like this trend is just a new way to label old trends… what's new haha

This is a weird trend tbh

Jessica marmo
your outfit looks nothing like a vsco girl lol

Liina Paalits
Litteraly remember when I found you on tumblr. I was soooo obsessed with tumblr. 😀

Azaria Miller
you should do hot girl summer next

Taylor O’Brien
haha i counted you saying vsco like 33 times but i have no clue if that was actually right!

Shianne Marie

Grace Hoag
Wow I’m twenty one and feel like an elder… 😂 I had no idea what a VSCO girl was. Seems like it’s what “tumblr girl” was when I was a teen 😂.

Just an FTI the “take a picture” transition only has the letter “t”
IDK if that was because VSCO girls do that or just a editing thing

Madelyn Jones
the vsco aesthetic is cute as hell people are just rude 😂

Mariane Enriquez
idk what really VSCO Girl is but…SNEAKY FAM is LIT! 🔥

Cheyenne Iozzio
Hey now everyone wears crocs they are so comfortable
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