I Mixed Every Single CHESTNUT Foundation Ever Made Together | Jackie Aina
Main › I Mixed Every Single CHESTNUT Foundation Ever Made Together | Jackie Aina

Jackie Aina
Hey babes! On today’s video I found as many foundations in the shade CHESTNUT and mixed them together and seeing what we come up with! Will we end up …

Sueellen Monterroso
Im supposed to be asleep with my newborn but I'm up watching this lol

Heidi June
Not only are you naturally stunning but youre HILAIRIOUS! This ladies and gentlemen is a beauty guru i WOULD pay $500 dollars to meet! 🤩👌

Adeline Tharsis
Jackie, what camera are you using to record this ? Id like to purchase it for myself. Thanks

Annamarie TSQ
Imagine bitching to people in the comments 😵

iesha Renee’
Girl! My last name is Chesnut 😂😂

Artmiese 💋Elizabeth
I’m loving the raspiness of her voice. Husky and unintentionally sexy. I’m always here for any Jackie content.

Octavia Armstrong
Absolutely living for these series

G. L.

Hector L. Febo
12:05 You missed the opportunity to put Alyssa Edwards “Girl, look how orange you look” meme 😂😂😭 Love you Jackie!!

lauren skubish
I'm a white girl with tan skin in the summer and in chestnut in that bare minerals foundation in the summer. Wtf is going on!

Alicia Myers
You should do a Met Gala look!!!! Because I stop watching the interviews just to watch you.

Andrea G
I don’t think there’s something particularly wrong with a name like chestnut (which is not the case at all with names like “nude”), but I get what Jackie is saying. My Clinique foundation shade is called Golden Neutral, which is exactly what my skin is (olive skin that pulls yellow). I’m pretty satisfied with the name of my foundation, but unfortunately it’s not the same for entire groups of people (which is ridiculous for 2019)

Love Yourself
I'm living for your GOT references 😂

So what is the point of these videos?

Omg all these video memes have my dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣

this girl is my VIBBEE hahaha legit laughing entire time yesssss don't need to study I need this break

Angel Cakess
The fact youtube placed you above Nicol Concillio ! Girl bye I’m trynna see my sis Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie Jaaayyyccckkkkiiiiieeeeeeee!

Welheminah Lebuso
You can't skip on concealer, heck I'd rock cealer without wearing a foundation

Cyril king
To bad Lapp doesn't have men's

Monique Desireé
Let’s see what all cappuccinos look like

Dammy V. Johnson

Mariana Morales

Tay Nicole

Mandy Wesley
living for all the GoT references

Ci Nguyen
How can anyone not subscribe to Jackie. She is literally so entertaining. Love her

Amanda Poon
She blocked me on Twitter wtf

the unofficial IMANINIA
i need her to know that the use of these memes/videos is taking me OUUUUTTTTT i cannot LMAOOO

Tiffany Purcell
It just goes to show that luxury brands don’t seem to have the same inclusivity as other brands. They’re absolutely loaded… how can they NOT be inclusive??? God damn it

I was waiting for you to pull out milani chestnut


Kayla Smalls

Olivia Coleman
“TAAAAHM” took me OUT lmaoo 😂

Kelsie Harris
I'm having a hard time figuring out the point of these videos, can someone please explain? Only three of those shades were actually chestnut color. Is that the point?

MsMeya G

Ashley G.
Dived? Dove? No. I have diven

Messa Reneé
Auntie Jackie really has the prettiest features like sometimes I gotta catch myself cause I be watching her speak I’m not even listening like the BEAUTY THE NERVE

Florinda Lucero
I would think that "mocha" is the most overused, widely interpreted shade.
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