"I'm Afraid That My Mother is Going to Turn Into a Motherzilla" | Say Yes To The Dress Ireland

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    Say Yes to the Dress
      "I'm Afraid That My Mother is Going to Turn Into a Motherzilla" | Say Yes To The Dress Ireland

      Jessica Monahan and her mother are set on getting a tea length wedding dress but when a full length gown takes the young bride’s fancy, mum is not too happy.

      Danielle Denis

        She looked very beautiful in all the dresses!!! The long gown she chose was just perfect!!

        C Marques

          Beautiful bride, beautiful dress…🌹

          Hazel Sahara

            Love the dress and her friends shirt gives me life – if anybody knows where to find it please tell me


              I'm glad she chose the dress with the lower neckline. She has a bit of a short neck and the lower neckline helps lighten it up. I'm also glad she chose the long dress, it suits her beautifully.

              Linda Mc

                OMG, I want that guy's shoes! LOL

                Andrey Greenidge

                  She beautiful in all

                  Terry Baby

                    I was surprised at how lovely the tea length dresses looked.

                    Christian/Mindy Ostrander

                      I think she felt pretty in all of them but the full length made her feel bridal instead of just wearing a pretty and short dress that happens to be white💁

                      Christine C

                        Take a shot every time someone says “T-length”

                        anusha iyer

                          She looked great in all of them💖💖

                          Default To The Max

                            Love that dress,Jess💐

                            Banat alkhlah Channel


                              Pink Heart

                                Is the lady consultant a transgender?
                                I'm just curious nothing against transgender but she is very tall and has a deep voice so was wondering. If she is not I'm sorry😅

                                Ellie Billington

                                  She looks taller in the long dress 👗

                                  Belle Hopkins-Truitt

                                    Y’all… really…. multiple people approved “motherzilla” over “momzilla” ? Cmon

                                    Ana Parada

                                      Green Smoke receipt of Texas the Great South USA this one has no neck she is so fat it's unbelievable she needs a diet and to walk and she needs a stomach Pompton that operation to stay play ugly God bless you and yours

                                      Katherine Lott

                                        The accents… I just want to… lurk in that shop… and listen to everyone small talk.

                                        Speak Your TRUTH

                                          She looks beautiful. It's her wedding she should get what she wants. Tell mom to stay home next time if she tries to take over. Lol. Bye.

                                          Kate RH

                                            Well done you look beautiful in the longer dress – you can wear a tea length dress to any old garden party xx

                                            Love Button

                                              Mom wear a tea length dress to her wedding. Love it on yourself too!

                                              Mehrish Saleem

                                                She look pretty in each and every dress.. and that dress she choose really suits her. Look stunning

                                                Skyler Gray

                                                  Tbh, length or not, they were all really ugly… usually it’s the bridesmaid segments that have some horrific choices.

                                                  Belles Brunette

                                                    I actually love the tea length but definitely the longer dress is pretty.

                                                    Judith Neeley

                                                      While the tea length dresses were lovely, they tended to cut the bride making her look shorter and heavier. The full length was a better proportion for her, and she seemed so much happier. Mom should not have been putting so much pressure on her. It wasn't her wedding, after all.

                                                      Lolita De Guzman

                                                        Good choice…


                                                          Mumzilla is a better term I reckon


                                                            0:36 I want one of those little pin cushions you wear on the wrist. Just for walking around.
                                                            1:45 Why are people in Ireland so good looking? They always have a couchful of goodlooking girls on this show. 😄
                                                            – I really like the tea length. It depends on what it is! a) I like the name, 'tea length.' 😄 b) I especially like it when it's a full, 50's style skirt like here; then the dress it still dramatic. c) How good did brides look at that time, late 50's/early 60s? So chic, with their little pointy pumps, and the bridesmaids standing around in their pastel-colored, full, tea-length dresses, maybe with a little hat! And gloves!
                                                            – I think – I don't know why… that that 50's look looks really good on brides with glasses.
                                                            – I love this show the best. 😄 (Though the Lancaster one is a contender. Irish people are lovelier than English though (who are nicer than Americans, at least bride entourages (the Atlanta show is appalling) – but then the American show has Randy. And the UK show has Daniel Emanuel, who designed Princess Diana's famous, absolutely iconic dress… The curvaceous show from Essex is lovely too (those ladies, plus they do their job a thousand x better than the defunct US plus size show). So I guess they all win in one way or another. 😄 (Except the Canadian one; dull as dishwater.)
                                                            – I didn't expect this bride to have a big back tattoo!


                                                              She looked very nice in ALL of them. Mom in NO way turned into a 'Momzilla' (thankfully !) She was very supportive. Good for them !

                                                              Stacey Kenny

                                                                Say tea-lenght one more time.

                                                                Callie Ramsey

                                                                  My moder is gonna turn inta moderzilla
                                                                  I love their accents ❤️

                                                                  Mary Whipple

                                                                    I love what the second dress does for her back tattoo.

                                                                    Victoria Ibekwe

                                                                      To be honest she looked brilliant in the T length dresses which gave her the illusion of having a big bum, if only they could give her one which was off the shoulder since she had no neck to show. I really wish they tried on more long dresses because she would look excellent in anything she wore 😘😘


                                                                        "… it was made for her, not me". Love that part! She made the right choice! 🙂

                                                                        Jana Said

                                                                          She's beautiful and the dress she picked up was the best one.

                                                                          deepzz world

                                                                            Why only u have fat in face

                                                                            Sonakshi Verma

                                                                              I think Ireland has the best dresses

                                                                              Karen McCabe

                                                                                I’m not a fan of t-length wedding dresses. So glad she chose the long one. Beautiful!

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