March Favorites • Jazzmyne and Lindsay
Main › March Favorites • Jazzmyne and Lindsay

What were your favorites in March? Subscribe to As/Is: About As/Is: Subscribe for daily videos & series about beauty, fashion, style, body …


Maryeem Almarzooqi
in march it was my bairthday

Jasmine Sanchez
omg i love the order cant wait for the new season i was shook at the end

I’m cool
If they had a YouTube channel together and they left the as/is brand I would be a happy person I literally only like them 😧

Audrey Messner
That on my block promo tho😍😍

Hello Me

Just a random Person
Why hasn't Lindsay done a makeup routine video yet? Her makeup is so on point!

Patton Hansen
LIVING for Lindsay’s shirt!

that’s mY OPINION

Gabby Faw
Yasss I love your outfits 💙💙

Lucy Williams
I. Love. Jazz. And. Lindsay.

Luludog9876 Love
Me and Lindsay are wayyy to similar

Naiomi Northrup

Why has no one commented about what toner is because I also need to know. SOME ONE EDUCATE US!

Wig: Snatched
Am I the only one who thinks that this year is going too fast?

ashshenanigans 12
10 dollars for face wipes? feeling poor

Lex Gotthebandz
SIGN UP to start earning legit easy money through cash app 💸

I perdicted that jazz would say on my block and I was right!!!

why is the sound so bad? The echo is annoying and low quality.


T Adamson
I love on my block it was so good

Hannah Meikle
when i went to panic! at the discos concert!! i loved it. i got the tickets for my birthday 🙂


izzy boo
On My Block
First season came out … I watched it in a day
Second Season came out … I watched it in a day
I need help on my addiction to Netflix
So anyone got any shows for me 🤣

Constant Gains
Who else Loves AS/IS? 😀❤
Btw Im close to 6.4k Subs

Urooj Khan
Lindsay if you love the order watch the vampire diaries and orignals on Netflix but watch the vampire diaries first. You won't regret it 💫

Pourya Bigonah
Wait you´re telling me we´re not in december anymore?

Heng Hui Mei
this video is so colourful!

Emmy Avdullaj

wheresmymind 101
I love these two so much! Love their friendship!!

Ines Pedras
I love you guys so much. I'm from Portugal and i m always watching you guys ❤️

Rosa Jupp

alwani ariffin
i always look forward to these because you two are my favourite pair!!! xx from Singapore ❤️

Liv Kristin Akselberg
I watch on My block to i love it❤️

Keegan Huss
I’m so used to reading all the comments during the video. There is only like 11 comments to read. Sad.

Anjelica Violetta
Friendship goals.! *Btw… Lindsay… Your top is EVERYTHING 😭

Sudipto Mandal
Does not the woman on the right side looks like Patrick Starrr🤔🤔🤔

Lauren Hamilton
Love the outfits y’all are always so on trend and fun!!! One of my fav channels❤️❤️like if you love these lovely ladies

Apple Baked
Wenere did you get that rainbow shirt?

Athena Wolf



-4 Subscribers with a hammer addiction
March favorites…
its April though ;-;

Bella Seynhaeve
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