Monte & Lori Have To Step In To Help Rookie Bridal Consultant | Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta

Main Monte & Lori Have To Step In To Help Rookie Bridal Consultant | Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta

  • This topic has 49 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by Healthy Food Recipe,Kitchen Tips.
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    Say Yes to the Dress
      Monte & Lori Have To Step In To Help Rookie Bridal Consultant | Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta

      Chontelle has a specific gown in mind, however, the dress has been discontinued. Will this bride be content with another wedding dress? Catch Say Yes to the …


        It’s pretty, but she can do better.

        Khnoct kiryuu

          Should have called the store first if they have the dress she was looking before confirming an appointment to not stress yourself and everybody like that but stunning dress!


            Who is Lori & Monte's hairdresser? 😆 That should be the real question!

            Aditi Kale

              At 7:05 all three got emotional, I can see that in their eyes.

              Gaby P

                I love her dress. It looks a bit like my wedding dress.

                Edm Lover

                  STOP SAYING JACKED UP IT’S SO NOT CLASSY!!!!!!!

                  Johanna Kleine

                    Omg they both look sooooo amazing… Like WHAAAT?!?!?

                    ketki ponkshe

                      Ohhh… Corona is not affecting them?! How??

                      CAROLiNE DETHMERS

                        I'm telling you Lori and Monte don't age.

                        Alexandra Tonico

                          Loved Montè's outfit! And Lori looks amazing♥️♥️♥️

                          Mariela Armendariz

                            I feel like I will have the same problem , I’m 20 looking 12….

                            Billie Little

                              Lori and Monti look great. The sales associate looks a bit like Sofia Vergara

                              Toi DaScorpian

                                Lori and Monte are thee ..ish!! They made it happen.

                                the_Lovely _Artist

                                  The way she deflated and said,
                                  “It’s a ball gown.”
                                  Left me so sad for her. She’s seriously sounded like she DID NOT want a ball gown.


                                    The Consultant look alike Brazilian actress Isis Valverde


                                      Why would you go from fitted to ballgown. Cant go from apples to oranges. What a rookie

                                      J D

                                        Finally monty and lori have style, looks very British

                                        Joan Pashinsky-Greve

                                          Holy Botox Laurie and Monty look 10 years younger 💋💄

                                          Vanshika R Gupta

                                            The bride's mom looks 25! Woww😍

                                            Kala Bell

                                              Why didn't they see if that shear dress could be lined? If I'm not mistaken, most shear dresses can be lined so it's not see threw.

                                              Then again, it probably couldn't have been and that's why they didn't being it up.

                                              akansha john

                                                Monte and lori both are looking so awesome

                                                Rashmi Parbagga

                                                  Her hair♥️

                                                  Daniel Ponomari

                                                    They look a like

                                                    You Comment

                                                      Monte and Lori look incredibly younger and beautiful.

                                                      Cat Cat

                                                        I still can’t get over Loris gorgeous hair!!

                                                        Tola G

                                                          Her friend Jessica looks abit like Jessica from 13 reasons why…

                                                          seanel danielle

                                                            Monte and Lori both look so good omg!!!

                                                            The Jenna Endeavour



                                                                Lori and monte new hair make them 10 years younger

                                                                jessica stephenson

                                                                  They kept giving her ugly dresses no wonder so didn’t want to come out

                                                                  Elizabeth Quan

                                                                    I love when Monty does the bride's hair.

                                                                    Priti Kashyap

                                                                      Lori seriously
                                                                      Your hair look so amazing
                                                                      You're looking so young and sweet.
                                                                      Just watching you ❤️


                                                                        This is my favorite dress so far in the show. Looks so Elegant and the sparkles were so on point.


                                                                          Why is Monte wearing a turtle neck with a Gucci belt?? Hahahaah

                                                                          Feadóg Mhór

                                                                            Wow, that’s Lori? 😯 For a second there I mistook her for Robin…

                                                                            Stranger Sez

                                                                              I LOVE this show bu my bank account DOES NOT!

                                                                              Yandere Queen

                                                                                "It's cuuuute ~ and I hate cute ~"
                                                                                Love this line HAHA

                                                                                OxyJIN Air

                                                                                  HOW THE HELL IS LORI AND MONTE AGING BACKWARDS??!!!

                                                                                  Mina M

                                                                                    I am literally addicted SYTTD it is like a drug

                                                                                    Happy Ngulube

                                                                                      Yaaaaas, Lori and Monte looking revamped. Loving the new looks

                                                                                      Ayushi Singh

                                                                                        The gown in the picture looks like someone was farting snow.!

                                                                                        Elle Southernbelle

                                                                                          Lori's it🥰🥰


                                                                                            I love Lori’s hair like this more than her usual one, it makes her look younger

                                                                                            Mellisa Nti

                                                                                              Yh Lori looks beautiful and monte

                                                                                              Dyh Who

                                                                                                Monte n Lori, kalian terlihat fresh dan cakep dari waktu ke waktu😍

                                                                                                shrgh 18

                                                                                                  she looks neither cute nor young… don't know where she's getting that… dress is nice though, more modern and much better than the picture

                                                                                                  Wan Humiوان حومي

                                                                                                    Why did they look much prettier 😍

                                                                                                    Madison Smith

                                                                                                      I didn't recognize Lori with longer hair 😬

                                                                                                      Healthy Food Recipe,Kitchen Tips

                                                                                                        Bride – aww it's cute ,it's cute
                                                                                                        Consultant: do you wanna show this dress to ur family?
                                                                                                        Bride :NO

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