MOVE WITH ME ep.3 // I BOUGHT THE HOUSE!! how it went down!!
Main › MOVE WITH ME ep.3 // I BOUGHT THE HOUSE!! how it went down!!

Tara Michelle
IT REALLY HAPPENED! I really really can’t believe I just bought my first home. The cutest little townhouse I’ve ever seen! I’m moving THIS WEEK so if you’d like …

Tara Michelle
I honestly can't believe this is real! I'm so excited and so so beyond grateful! I can't wait to share an empty house tour later this week ❤️

Lucille Babel
I am not so ready yet to watch this video without my morning cup of iced coffee but I needed to comment right away how proud am I of you and how much I enjoy watching your vlogs, from the time you and Boo were hanging out in college go this, you are such a motivation for me and thank you for sharing your life with us! I feel as you are a friend of mine I never met. Keep thriving girl💕💕💕 now off to get me some coffee!

Katrina Y.
ok I was just on Pinterest and I saw some of the things you pinned and I am actually so excited to see you new place and how you decorate it!!

I am seriously so beyond happy for you! Congratulations Tara x

Kaylee Deisering
Ohhh please do an empty house tour! It'll be so cool to see it and then a comparison once you finish moving in and are decorated!

Rishika Vangari

Aw I’m so happy for you I love you thank you for your amazing video💗

Hannah C

Twinkle Tito

Allie Marie
I’m so proud of you Tara I don’t even have words. Just proud. Love you and your videos lots, I hope everything goes well with the move.

Anie Stiles
YEESSSSS!!!! Love moving vlogs!! So excited.

Ericka Irica

Daisy guzman
Empty house tour!!❤️ so so proud of you😭

Madison Elyse
ahh im so proud of you tara, your vlog channel is probably my favorite channel on youtube i just love how you're just yourself i'm so happy for you 🙂

Tanya Castro
Ahhhh congrats!! So excited for you!

Lifestyle Of O
please do a empty house tour

Becca Mintkenbaugh
So so happy for you!! My mom actually just bought a house too!

Hannah Colemer
Congratulations! This “sneaky fam!!!!!!” member is loving this series!

Kailey Elizabeth
I’m so happy for you Tara! 💕 Congrats on buying your first home!

Michelle Sánchez
so so so so so proud of you. i love you.

So happy for you,I been watching since forever ! so crazy

Cynthia Blanco
congrats i'm so happy for you tara!! 🥺 can't wait to see the empty house tour!

Navdeep Sharma
Where u got ur new house???..usa or Canada? ?

Alexis Grimek
aw Tara we love you 💕

Trini Brunner
I cry the whole video, I can’t believe this, I’ve been watching you since your first apartment, and I’m so proud of you, this is amazing and I can’t wait too see the place all done 👏🏻 I’m so so so proud of you tara 🥰🖤

Maude Picard
Girl I’ve been here since the beginnig aka naturallybrunette on tumblr !! I remember following you on there and then youtube 🙈 congratulations, you deserve it!! Can’t wait to see how you decorate it 🙂

Chloe Ellis
Awh yay Tara !! Thank you for sharing your life with us, been watching since your days at FIDM ♥️

i’m so happy for you!!! can’t wait for vlogs in the new house! ❤️

Mariane Enriquez
WE ARE VERY HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR YOU TARA! we luv you! 💞 greetings from Philippines 🇵🇭!

I’m so happy for you!!!! Congrats on your new house! 😭🙌🙌🙌❤️

Brianna Webb-Harris
Can’t wait for the day where I’m overly excited & constantly saying “I bought a house” 😂😂 buying a house is such a bomb ass accomplishment !
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