TESTING NEW MAKEUP IN SPANISH!!! *with English subtitles*
Main › TESTING NEW MAKEUP IN SPANISH!!! *with English subtitles*

Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video of me attempting to do a GRWM using new makeup while ONLY speaking spanish! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for …

Hi mis amigos!!!! Gracias for watching my new video!!!! I hope te gusto!!!! Love you guys!!’ Muchos besos!!!!!! Xoxo

Gabriella Cast
Blended = difuminado
Blend = difuminar

Marilyn Maria
Girl! I have never related to a video like I do this one lol my parents are Cuban from born in Cuba but I was born here in Hialeah and so I'm more americanized than anything. I totally understand everything in spanish but when it comes to speaking it soy un desastre lmao you sound like me trying to talk to my boyfriends VERY Cuban non english speaking family 😩😩😩

Liz Kallan
aka "un desastre" clink 😂😂😂😂

ambar zabala
you can say disfuminar for blend lol

Mikayla Hines

choco sprinklez
Hablas Espaňol muy MUY bien, lo q ese acento no es cubano, as una mezcla de cubano dominicano y puertoriqueňo.

Natalie Drue

Cecilia Castro
Se dice difuminar 😂😂❤️❤️❤️

Virusha Daljith
Blended – mezclada
I googled it 😀
I am not spanish.

Ilany B. López Valdivia
You speak like a colombian

vanessa Arriola
Oye chica!! Estos videos en español son lo mejor que he visto!!! You distracted me de todo los crazies comprando todo el papel de baño!! Eres única, I love it!!! 😘

shayla i
love your in spanish type of videos ♥️♥️

Elizabeth Perez
Blend=difuminar me encantan tus videos pero si puedes prepararte mas con las palabras que no conoces

Livi ig
lo importante es que estás tratando kdkf 😂😂😭🥺 you're so funny, great vid again~

Catalina Rey
Love your spanish girl!
Hope this helps a little bit 💜
AKA: alias
Blend: difuminar, blended: difuminado (a)
Lid: párpado
Crease: cuenca del ojo
Primer: pre base, eye primer: pre base de ojos
Shake: batir
Coverage: cobertura
Concealer: corrector
Lashline: línea de las pestañas
Eye liner/ lip liner : delineador de ojos/labios
Smokey: ahumado
Pigmented: pigmentado
Packaging: empaque
Ombre: degradé
Warm: cálido
Love you 🤩💕

Cesar Ochoa
Blended is difuminado in Spanish 💖

Tania Sanchez


I love how you say things in English but with a super Spanish accent, as if that’s the word 😂😂 that’s what I do lol

Marina Arias
I love Spanish (Spanglish) videos 😂!!

Fernanda Sánchez
Pero que voz mujer! Estoy enamorada🤳🏻

Hershey 48

Elsa Lopez
I freaking love Kathleen in Spanish she's so funny HAHA

Gabee reyes
Desfumar… blend.. your still hiliarous .. how are you doing. ? Hope your not too anxious with what’s going on with this crazy virus. Take care of yourself..

Sabrina Yang
Sorry Kathleen, I love you to death, to the moon and back, but whenever you put on green eyeshadow ur skin looks deathly pale and has a tinge of green? Does that even make sense lol… Does anyone else feel like she looks like she's dying on the inside when she wears green😭😅😅 love u so much still I'm sorry

vanessa calderon
Blend: difuminar !
I love your videos
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