The Lavish Life Of The Kardashian Kid Divas

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      The Lavish Life Of The Kardashian Kid Divas

      Kardashian-Jenner Family Is Full Of Kids And Babies Now That Live Bigger Diva Lives Than Even YOU Thought.

      Jewely H

        One of the main “perks” of being born a Kardashian…being pimped out by your parents. 🙄

        Your Grace _

          Kims kids are so beautiful

          BAM 24

            Cool. Actually feeling very thankful i wasnt birthed into that family. Rather have my life than the life of anyone of thoes clowns. Thats just the truth.

            serina drake

              That's amazing they work hard so CONGRATULATIONS . my happy was giving a homeless man a reason to smile as he makes bracelets to get by. We all happy the same😊

              12345 12345

                Im kinda rich

                On roblox

                Skinny Jeans

                  I had a dream that I was friends Khloe Kardashian. She was pretty annoying..

                  Maniii Kawai

                    Ugh my parents are so stupid for not being as rich as the Kardashian’s

                    A Simpson

                      With the exception of Reign, Kourtney has some of the ugliest kids I’ve seen in a long time

                      Niamh Curran-Webster

                        I like how Scott was holding norths hand it’s like Scott acts like a dad too North which is cute

                        Bella Richey

                          What those kids have dadingher cars I only got a hello kitty Cadillac from toys r us

                          StarGamer Plays80808 Stargamergirl80808

                            Am glad am not her kids bc I would not meet my bff and I don’t what to grow up as a brat

                            sassy diva 82

                              Big money big headache little money no headache

                              Tsheebhu Bhutia

                                World is not enough for these richest even the citys streets are called after their name when they depart from world , but bitter truth is nothing is permanent in this world everything is vanity,, where their treasure is there their hearts will be. My richness is life forever….

                                Jeannettea Crowder

                                  Ok enough already.

                                  Danielle Schwarz

                                    Just remember y’all, we are all actually living the Kardashian/Jenner dream. You know all they all want is to be able to go to McDonalds without being noticed like a normal person but no amount of money can buy you that

                                    instagram user

                                      So what? they are living their lives, I don't see you bombarding other celebrities who go all out for their children. Why is this channel always so concerned about the Kardashians?

                                      Miss WOG Daily

                                        Which do you prefer, being rich with no morals or having Jesus??

                                        peace hyde

                                          Why do people act like they are the richest people on earth?

                                          peace hyde

                                            Amy schumer: Parents who take the faces that God gave them as a light suggestion


                                              damn i hope their caskets have enough space for all those shit

                                              Ta-ti Abnat- Perez

                                                Who cares….i work everyday…🐝.I love my Life….🦋My children are Rich with Love…morals..caring and Respect🐝💕…MONEY CANT BUY EVERYTHING…💕💙.WE ARE HAPPY AND 😚THEY APPRECIATE EVERYTHING I GIVE THEM..💙💕

                                                Angela reece

                                                  Kylie's party for stormi was great but i dont even think stormi will remember it wen she grows up….

                                                  Sianis Ortiz

                                                    Even the internet think they divas !!!!

                                                    Christina Lee

                                                      I'm speechless.

                                                      Kate Gonzales

                                                        So lavish

                                                        Chellie Xx Liverpool Bird x

                                                          Chicago, Reign, & Dream are the Cutest….

                                                          Ah Ha

                                                            Khloe has no taste and dresses her baby like Aunt Jemima….hideous head wraps and scarves.

                                                            Lucia Lu


                                                              mary Jean

                                                                Where are kourtney’s kids birthday

                                                                Pawan Gaikwad

                                                                  So cheap 😂😂


                                                                    And people die because they don't have enough money to buy food….

                                                                    Patrica Dyson

                                                                      Look at the little Nigerian children with there Ribs sticking out because of no food to eat or water to drink.

                                                                      Patrica Dyson

                                                                        That is sick.

                                                                        Patrica Dyson

                                                                          I have a broken down car and I send money over to feed the poor.

                                                                          Patrica Dyson

                                                                            So cute.

                                                                            Jael Wakesho

                                                                              where is dream? rob's baby?

                                                                              Angela Hill

                                                                                h-holy crap🤩

                                                                                Angela Hill

                                                                                  I wish I lived a lavish life with Kardashian’(‘:

                                                                                  Da_ lyia

                                                                                    Kim shutting down the whole Disney land to celebrate her child's bday😭😭😭😭😭

                                                                                    Dayana K.

                                                                                      Imagine being so rich you barely care about your extravagant birthday parties that cost fortune? Imagine being so young! She won't even remember it for God's sake…

                                                                                      Amazing AK

                                                                                        being that lucky to not burn in Kardashians family is the best luck of the world come on guys they have no talent and they are just plastic

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