THRIFT WITH ME my first time! ☆ (Vlog + Try On Haul)
Main › THRIFT WITH ME my first time! ☆ (Vlog + Try On Haul)

Tara Michelle
I tried thrifting for the first time!!!! COME THRIFT WITH ME!!!! I do a little try on haul and even DIY-d some of the pieces I picked up! Outfit details & fun shit over on …

Vanessa Cervantes
Loved the concept of this video! This should become a new series on your channel! ♡♡♡

Ashley Avalanche
You make everything look so goooood

Franchesca Santos

Olivia Conner
Sneaky fam! Also how have you never gone thrifting before! I love the thrift store.

Cody Cave
This is such a weird coincidence!! Me and my friends are into thrift shopping just this month! And we even decided to open a shop with a touch of our own style (photography) HAHA! Try visiting it if you just feel like it :–) it's on IG: @bagobukad

Ah! Love both your channels and love thrifting videos, it’s a perfect match! The editing was on point💜

Monserat Sanchez

Annie Gomez
Do more thrifting videos!!!💗

Lyndsay Olson Fibromyalgia Warrior
I love the Hard Rock shirt!

yessss love a thrift queeeeeen

Jennifer Ha
You should thrift more! Love the editing too!!

Isabel Adriana

Isabel Adriana

Isabel Adriana
More like thissssa I just loved itttt

jonet johnson
I love you tara💕how are you soooo gorgeous


danyelle white

Jaime Brooke30
You found great pieces. I love thrifting.

Trinity Wells
I love these type of videos! I like switching it up!🥳

greys anatomy rivervixen

Maria & Agripina

Libby Reid
The editing is sooo good!! I love how you are changing things up! Go Tara!!

Okay this video is everything!! The editing is good, the background music is good, the content “the before and after” VERY GOOD TARA LOVE THAT 💗 💗 XX

Angelica Mendez
More like this girl!!! 👍🏼

Carolina Santaella
gosh probably one of the best edited thrifts with me out there. in love with the editing and the way it was filmed sm!

Aisha B

i like that hard rock t-shirt!
love everything u got i need to go thrift shopping ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Kristell Ng
I love the transformations you did to the clothes you thrifted, they turned out great and you pull them off so well! For the Red Adidas shirt, I think it'd really look good if you turned it into a workout tanktop 🙂

Kimy W.
this is one of the best videos I've seen you put out !!! would love to see a whole thrifting series/challenges on your channel. also loved how you included theDIY, it was an extra bonus that made the video even better.

Anna White
You can so wear those sweaters as a sweater dress wear black biker shorts underneath with some sneakers or booties 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Taylor Paige
Do more thrifting videos!!!

Girl you're close to get 900k 😍

We want more thrifting videos !!

Estrella Garcia

wowww its crazy! im just getting into thrifting too, and i’ve been getting stuff from mens to crop! i love your style! ps love youu!!!♥️

The Donnellans
I had plans to go thirfting this weekend with my friends and now I’m definitely going and also going to look at sweaters in the men section cause I have never done that

yeaaaaa, I'mma need more of this ! 🙂

Alexa Sunshine83
Nice Adidas shirt!! ill have to check out that goodwill! ❤️

Ana Santome
More videos like this plz 😍

Odalys Ramirez
Ok you’ve talked me into thrifting now too lol. The light blue sweater was my favorite one!

Shelvia Giovany
i have always impress and of course in love with your style, aesthetic, and personality! love ya! ♡

the neon light is my mood rn

SarahInez Martinez
The music on the way to the thrift store gave me kkandbabyj vibes !

Chelsea Farrow
Okay this video is great but can we talk about how SHINY YOUR HAIR IS! 😍😍😍 the curls are perf and just. Wow. I need your secret!
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