*UNEXPECTED* Pregnancy Update! Being Induced | My First Stretch & Sweep

Main *UNEXPECTED* Pregnancy Update! Being Induced | My First Stretch & Sweep

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    Sarahs Day
      *UNEXPECTED* Pregnancy Update! Being Induced | My First Stretch & Sweep

      SWEAT IT TO SHRED IT EBOOK FITNESS GUIDES!! Also check out my website for secret blog posts, stories, tips and more!

      Abigail Levi

        Hiya! Just wondering whether you could recommend any books about living a natural holistic lifestyle? I'd love to look more into it. 🙂

        Madeleine Gillin

          Good luck Sarah!
          I had the same output as in a natural everything for my birth plan. In labour I had a fair few complications but still just stuck with gas (hallelujah for the gas) bubba was eventually stressed with my contractions in my labour that they had to break my waters and turn her inside me then pull her out with forceps but she was okay and we were lucky 🍀 but she was 3.85kg when she came out so 😅
          I’m sure you’ll be fine though.
          Good luck 😌 look forward to hearing.

          Lara’s Vlogs

            You and the bubba will do amazing I just feel it xxxx

            Jessica balding

              Sex sex sex. The sperm helps go into labor… Good luck sending positive vibes from another Sydney mummy…

              Hannah Mae

                Is Kurt wearing a Tigers hat?

                Bonnie Wills

                  So excited for you guys! <3


                    You guys seem super awesome. Relaxed and cool. Keep doing what your doing xx


                      Sex… more and more closer to my due date I would contract. Get that love makin going 😉

                      Giselle Rosario

                        If I ever get pregnant I would love to have your energy and strength. Your baby is going to be beautiful god bless 🙏🏽


                          Thinking of you guys 🙂

                          Jade W

                            I got a pro vaccine ad during this video lol perfect hahaha

                            Kimberly Kroepil

                              So excited for you! Sending good vibes for a natural birth!


                                sending you love and excitement!!! can’t wait to meet the bubba 😭🎉😍💕


                                  good luck!!!!!!!!!
                                  also abby is so perceptive!

                                  Wilderness Bug

                                    I totally understand you being bummed out about this, but everything will be great in the end! Either way it's the birth of your first child and that alone is such a big deal! I'm so happy for you and I love your attitude!!

                                    Lani T

                                      I’m so excited!! Question ~ where do you get your scrunches from? ❤️😘

                                      Brittany Goodman

                                        My little godson is 3 weeks old and was born at 2.7kg, about a week before his due date because his movements slowed down so they induced her. But he was super healthy and they took him home a few hours later! (She had a midwife on call and come to the house for two weeks that’s why they went home so early). Positive that your little family will be completely perfect!

                                        Julie B

                                          I’m sorry your birth plan is changing ♥️ I too wanted a natural birth… at 25 weeks & 5 days we were discussing my water birth plan with my midwife. My BP was extremely high, I was sent to the hospital, transferred by ambulance to another hospital, told he stopped growing at 23 weeks. Lots of in betweens and born emergency csection at 26 weeks/ 1 lb 5 oz. or 590 g. I was devastated when my birth plan was out the window in the beginning then went complete opposite. I feel you! Of course it’s what’s best for baby but I understand what you mean 💯!! I hope you go into labor naturally and all goes well 🙏🏻 you look amazing btw ♥️

                                          Jess Harrison

                                            I farted and my waters broke 😂 most natural way you could go into labour lol

                                            Broni Trewavas

                                              I know how you feel hun. I planned a natural Home birth for my first baby and ended up in hospital 18hr labour baby stuck behind my pubic bone epidural and forcep lift out delivery! For my second i had a 4hr labour and delivered on the bathroom floor at home with absolutely no indivention or drugs. My babies are now 15 and 18yrs old! Good luck, cant wait to hear the news!

                                              allison matamoros

                                                Aww mama!! Keep positive best thing for baby and you!! Sometimes I feel we plan something and god plans something else for us for example I was 100% sure I was going to pass my test today and no god said no not today next time! Keep everything to gods hands!


                                                  Drink castor oil

                                                  Manda Heafield

                                                    The day before giving birth, (both babies) I was cleaning either the oven or the fridge out, then that night waters broke naturally after going to toilet…😃

                                                    Philesha Jude

                                                      Omg the same thing happened to me with my baby girl!! Wishing you good luck and a healthy delivery

                                                      allison matamoros

                                                        I just want to see a healthy baby and mama!!!!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️

                                                        Margaret McNiff

                                                          Sending lots of love and luck for your first labor and baby Sarah ❣️❣️

                                                          Diana Evelyn Signal

                                                            Hi Sarah, love your channel informative and entertaining with a good dose of feel-good vibes. All the best for the coming days. FYI I tried all the home remedies for bringing on labor – Acupuncture, massage, and warm bath worked for me! Take care Diana

                                                            Dara Gropper

                                                              Can’t believe you’re having your little angel any day now! I remember watching the video of you just finding out and it made me a blubbery mess lol Sending you all my love! ❤️❤️❤️


                                                                I am so proud of you guys! You are so educated and responsible for first time parents. I love your approach and peacefulness about everything! Keep up the good work! Can’t wait to hear when he gets here!! ❤️


                                                                  Hoping you a safe and healthy delivery!

                                                                  Lucie Bali

                                                                    Such a strong woman! You rock!

                                                                    Cat Mo

                                                                      I love that you guys tried to get all of the information before jumping into what the doctors say. I have had experiences like that and I think more people need to know to ask for other choices. Good luck!!!

                                                                      Jacquelyn Valero

                                                                        Good luck pretty lady. I’m so happy for you two. Hope you go into labor SOON! 😘😉

                                                                        june song

                                                                          Sweeping membranes was horrible decision for me in my opinion…I ended up with an infection…

                                                                          Caroline Tyler

                                                                            My first baby was only 2.845 kgs and perfectly healthy. Fingers crossed it all starts naturally for you.

                                                                            April Lee

                                                                              I ate lots of fresh fish and broccoli my last month of pregnancy. Maybe try more avocados. Grass fed beef is good for you too. Peace 🤗

                                                                              Chloe Pritchard

                                                                                Man I’m getting so emotional watching this! I had a stretch & sweep with my first & went into labour 12 hours later. I won’t go in to details though because it wasn’t a good time. BUT GOOD LUCK! You are in my thoughts xx

                                                                                Emilie Nicole


                                                                                  Monica Son

                                                                                    Praying for safe mama and baby 💙

                                                                                    witchery 97

                                                                                      Girl if you're trying to go into natural labor have lots of sex. When I was pregnant I was 5 days overdue & that night I had sex, three hours later I went into labor.

                                                                                      Maya Flores

                                                                                        Sending happy positive vibes your way! I hope you have a beautiful, safe, and healthy labor and baby is safe and happy!

                                                                                        Two Bohemian Souls

                                                                                          YAY! It is so exciting that baby is coming soon!! I had to have a planned C section because of a heart defect I have, and little girl did not want to wait and came early. She weighed 2.26kg at birth and was A okay. Will be praying for your NATURAL LABOUR and your little fam that is about to get a little bigger! XO Sending all the positive vibes!!

                                                                                          Elizabeth Phillippo

                                                                                            It's all good sister! My water broke spontaneously but I still had to be induced for the contractions because they never started on their own. It all will happen as it's supposed to!

                                                                                            Danesha Mitchell

                                                                                              That ending tho!! #sitdownbehumble sending you good vibes for the baby! ❤️

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